Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

To the Reader. And, that, though the three Opponents with one confnt, fet up Job, as their common mark tofhoot at; yet they take up very.different f andings, ifnot different levels, varying each from other in fame things, as well as-all(upon themain)from hint. The realm of the former is this, becaufe there are forane common principles, wherein they all agree : which, if we a',ffraff, with what isfpol¿,en in the illujiration of tl em,tak- ing in alfo thofe concluions, which fprings from thnaas their firft born : then the remainder willPhewzrr t hat proper anddifliniliveopinion, which each of them holds about this grand queftion of Providence ; the events and di.ffrituti- cns ;thereof, feemfo croft. handed ingiving trouble and farrow to godly men, joy andprofperity to the tricked. There are threeprinciples, wherein Job concurs with his three friends; and a fourth, wherein they three concur again f1 him. The three, wherein allfour agree, are thefe : Fill, That, all the afHiCtion.s and calamities, which befal man, fall within the eye and certain knowledge of God. secondly, That, God is the Author and efficient caufe, the orderer and difpofer of all thofe afíli&ions and calamities. Thirdly, That, in regard of his nioftholy Majefty, and unquef}ionable Soveraignity, heneither Both, nor can do any wrong or injury to any of his creatures, what foever afi&ion he layes, or how long foever he is pleafed tò continue it upon them. Theft three principles and fuchconclufans, as are im- mediately deduciblefrom them, are copioufly handled and in. flied upon by themall. in porfisance whereof they all- (peak, veryglorious things f the Powe r, Wifdom, Ju ffice, 'Holi. ncfs and Soveraignty of the Lord. In proclaiming ever] of zrhi, h Attributes, the tongue of Job like a frlver Trumpet, lifts up the name ofGodfo high, that he Teems to drown the A 2 f u n.á