Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. _ . .. ... . _. Verf. concerns than } -is declared, but we know that whole but in part Suce is our weaknefs and infirmity that we cannot take m All of All, no nor any parkofall in the full latitude and extent of it ; Thus rye knew but inpartite) faith Etiphaz,when this was brought . to me , mine care received but little of it'; my narrow care could drink in, but Tome drops ofthat ocean,which was pouredout up- Afodefld lsqui onme. All that man apprehends, is but little, in refped of what tur, non God offers now, or of what hereafter he fhall apprehend. Eliphaz ptoraseperir fpeakesmodelily and humbly ofhimfelfe ; God brought a thing {quoetjciendum untome, and I am fuch a poore flreiglttned vcfféll,that I could re- d./Tv de hacre, ccivebut alittleof ire; yet lomewhat I caught hold of,which I am kod optimum about to make known unto thee. Fit g exrzni- umcomprehen We may note from this. Firti. Holy truths are very pleafant deve non porej# to the careof a holyperfon. A thing maas breugbt unto me , and sxorralr Mono- mine care caught a little of'it; As when meates pleafant to the tall, tstercet. are brought to a man , he puts forth his hand and takes them ; or when pleafant mutique founds, the care catches it, or we drinke it in greedily at the care : fo when holy truths are revealed a holy heart catches them : The care is not more at-retied with pleafant rnufique,or the pallate withpleafant meates, then the un- derltandingfpiritualiz'd, isaffLEtcd with fpirituall truths ; The care ofa holy man takesin holy things with pleafure,and therefore he is faid to catch them,or drink them in,as,with much defire and ravifhing delight : David found more fweetneffe in the truths of God, then in the honey or honey comb. The fpirit ofa regenerate man, doth fomuch catch heavenlyDo(trine, that in the Hebrew, the word which lignifieo fuch dotirine, fignifies alfo catching, or ride Euxtorf. receiving;and a word from the facile root,hgnities the palate of the Lew in verb() mouth;which may hint us thus much, that heavenly:docirine,ple.rfes npr? the palate or taffe of a heavenly mind; And the realón of it is, be- caufe there is a fuitablenefs in die heart ofevery godly man, with every truth of God ; All delight arifes from proportionand Cuita- blenefs,between the object and the organ,in fentitives : `bètw:eeq the objeEt and the undertlanding, will, affe6tiorts in'fpirituals; That,which makes delight to the eye,.is the fùtablet efsof vif>6Ctl to the eye:and that which makes delight to the tafle, is the futa- binfsof edibles to the pallate : and lo that which Makes delight to the foul, is the futablenefsof tnteNi'bltc to the understanding Hence the reafon is clear , why wicked men will -4 of ré give the things pf God, but inflead ofcatching them, catch at thcm,fnarlc and