Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

1óo Chap. 8. An Expofition upon the Bookof J 4 B. Verf. 15. fubflantiall eflate, yet both his worldly houle, and his fpirituall houle, builded as was before defcribed, /hall moulder away and rot,they /hall not endure. 1 King. 7.21. Solomon fit up twopillars in the Temple,and anhypocrite in his building lets up two pillars, and he calleth themafter the name thatSolomon calledhis,the text faith, The one he called 3achin, and the other, Boaz; fachin, hewill eflablith, and Boaz, flrength. Which may note that the People of God, who worfhip him in his temple, have two pillars,two ever- Lifting pillars, they have Chrifl, and thefree grace of God to truft apart ; thick are the two pillars of the Temple, that fupport our hopes, and the one is truly called fachin,eflablifhed, and the other, Boaz, flrength. The hypocrite hath a Temple, an houfe,and two pillars, upon which he makes thefe infcriptions,Vpon his worldly eftate he writeslachin,Eflablifhed;2Jpon hisfpiritual eflate hewriter Boaz,Strengeh;but he will be deceivedin both,They/hall not endure. When a wicked man begins tofall, nothing_Pallfupport him. As it was faid ofHaman in regard ofhis outward honour, If thefe mart be of the feedof the yews, before whom thou haft begun to fall, thou (haltfall utterly:So thoughwhen a hypocrite fees hishoule falling, femel he takes fail hold of, andendeavours to fupport it, yet it (hall not rue5i rir impisu ccr- ftand, fall it fhall. The righteous fallsand rife again, he fallsfeven nonerigetur. times in a day, andyetis raifedupagain, Prov.24.16. but when Mere. an hypocrite begins; to fall he falleth down, down, for ever. It is laid of the righteous PCa1.37.24.) Though he fall he fhall not utterly be cafíi off, for the Lordupholdeth him with his hand; but when a hypocriteifalleth he fhall be utterlycall away,for his duties only hold him by thehands hebath only fomewhat ofhimfelf to fupport himfelfwith, therefore though he take hold of it, ItPall not endure.. 3OB,