Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

4 Chap.8, An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verra, Speaker, How long wilt thou fpeakthefe things ? As if he had laid, Jam not able to bear thee any longer,l cannot endure(itch language, it grates harJhly upon mine ear,and is a burden to myfpirit; for fhame give over, hold thy peace,,enjoyn thyfelff levee, lockup thy lips, .How longwilt .thoufpeakthefe things ? Thirdly , The charge of an accufation may lie under there words, How long wilt thou fpeak thefe things ? Thas is, How long wilt thou (peak vain and foolifh words., indifcree,t andfalfe needs, dangerousandblafphemonswords, imputing i?iju..jlice unto God? Art thou obfrinate andpertinacious? Wilt thou notyet hearken GMerrogotio ex to the admonitions and mholfome counfel ofthyfriends? How, long 1 a3jufTó ten:- eor y ire Thus he taxes and cenfures him , How longwilt thoufpeak'? We 04(litreprehes- have the lihe.folk inthat Queflion, Pfxl.4,2. where David con - iiini.Sanfl. tells with his hardened enemies, 0ye fins ofmen, ho'w_longwillye t urn myglorie intoJhame ?_ Horwlong will ye love vanitie, andleek after leefirg? How long, and how long ? it is matter of admira- tion, to think that reafonable creatures fnould be fo unreafona- bie to love vanity, and to love it long. His fpirit rifes and boyls fo high with holy indignation, to fee men fo foolith, that his mouth mull run over in cenfure and accufation, How long ! The textof wifdomesexpo lttslation,Prov.a..2.. (How.' longye. _ample ones will je love f inplicitie?)bearsthe fameglofs,one interpretation fitsbotth; .Haw long wilt thoufpeakthefe things? There things.) The demonlrative particle may have reference to the words immediately fore-going,andonly to them; How long wilt thoufpeakthefe things ? That is, the things which thou halt fpoken in the fixth and feveiith Chapters. The Ianguage is and dervaluingand contemptuous,How longwilt thoufpeakthe`e things? Such poor fluff. How longwilt thau'troublethy Auditors with fetch matter, fuch fruitlefs, frothy, crude, and undigeled matter.; matter fo injurious , fo difhonourable to ,God, fo unfavoury, and unedifying to-man, - Taking fob (under Bildads apprehenflon) as having failed-and erred in hisdifcour.fe. Obferve, fìrfl, Perfeverance in evil ía merle then the doingofevil, How long wigs- thou(peak, thefe things? If thou having fpoken once amifshad'fz reeall'd thy íèlf,and flopped there, it had been more excufable, To oottlaji' fmetimey in :a word, may be a wife mans cafe: but to make