Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

z r o Chap. 8. An éxpofition upon the Bookof J O B. VerEi 8. a petrol: to afcribe fpeech to beafts, to trees and places too, things not only without rcafon, but without life. Such an elegancy is here, It (ball deny him ; that is, when he is destroyed, if any man Mall ask the queltion, where is this man ? Where is this goodly tree that flood here before ? The place ¡hall anfwer , He is not here non'. The.Hebrew is, The place (hall lie;theplace ¡hall feign and fay, we have not lc= him ; we know not what is become ofhim ? So T ntietur ai men ufe to anfwer,when they are either affraid or afhamed toown i7áw .LfGase sept. one that is asked for. ?er profopopei- Some underftand it ofa perfon : Then one may deny him : Ifie amtribuitSee - then no more, lo M. Broughton. Suppone a traveller, who often- rnonemetmen- times part by, and raw this goodly tree, when he cometh to the rei d placeagain, fees it no more, the tree is down: So . he, who hath ttimæ ; q;tad l' S_ infolens non pail by fuch a mans houle, and beheld his goodly ,feat, when he e libris comes another time, there is no fuch man there, the man is gone, ita lord.11° It, or he(hall deny him, jáying, Ihave not feen thee. exridetur et ' interibit, ut I havenot feen thee. nuttus jam a nofat ibi We have near the fame words,Pfal.37.35.36. where the flou- unquam fine. riffling eftate ofa wicked man is thadowed under the notion of a Merc. tree,'Ihavefun the wickedflourifhing like agreen bay tree, &c. (yet) he paf% amay,and he was not;as much as to fay, ifit be asked,what's become of him ? a man ¡hall anfwer, ate hath not feen him ; yea, 'fought him,but he could not befound.Such a fenfehath been thew- ed(Job 7. a 8.)upon thole words, The plac e thereof (hall know him no more; a clear riddance fnall be made of all men out of the world, efpecially of wicked men. In that defcription (Dan. 235.)ofthe four Monarchies,under the fimilitude ofagreat,Image zth fe head was ofgold,his breafi-and,armsoffilvér,his bellyand thighs.. ofGrafs, his legs ofiron, and hisfeet ofironand clay ; the text faith, Then was the iron, the clay, the brafr, the f lver and tioé gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff ofthe Summer theefhing ftoors,ancl the wind carriedthem away, that no place was found for them ; or, as the Chaldee, They were found in no place : A time will come when all Monarchies and Worldly kingdoms, which have flood up in fo much luftre, which havedazled the eyes Of all ,be- holders with their fplendour, and kept all their neighbour nations under by their power (a time ¡hail come) when this clay, and iron, andbrats, and filver, and gold, (hall be all beaten to piecesthfo