Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.-8. tlnExpafition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 18. 113 that ifa man ask,where are the fourMonarchies? What's become ofthe pomp and Rate of thofe great Empires ? The places ofthen foal' themno more; no man can tell where they are. There is fuch.a meaning here:This green tree,this hypocrite (hall have his branches fo pull'd off, his roots fo flubbed up,that it will be hard togive an account what's become ofhim. We find the happy and flourifhing estate of the Church and people of God defcribed, as if no place were large enough (or, them to dwell in (Zech. r o.i 6.) I will bring them again out of the land of .Egypt, andgather them out ofAffyria, &c. that is, I will :gather my Saints, my Church together from all the parts of the world where they havelived(while they could not live,but fculk- ing in corners) I will bring them together fo confpicuoully, that there¡hall be no placefoundfor them ; that is, no place capacious enough to receive them and their families. We have the fame prod mile ofenlargment (Ifa.q.9.)Theyfballjay, Theplace is taogaitfor me,giveplace to me that i maydwell. Now, as the Saints (hall be gathered together fo eminently and abundantly, that no place thallbe found big enough to hold them ; fo the hypocrite with all his greennefs and verdure (hall be fo blatted and rooted up, that theplace wherehe was (hall not be vifible, as his ; he (hall be fo far from filling all places, that he (hall fill none, The place where be dwelt¡hallfpuehim out, and by any remaining f mptome it 'hall not beknown, where that man was. So then, the fumofall maybegiven thus, taking the compari- fon from the tree to this wicked man .That as a tree highlygrown and deeply rooted, may befo cut down anditubbed up, that it fhall not be known whether ever it grew upon thatplaceor no; fo a wickedman,though for a whilehefiourrjheth and ,overcometh all impediments that hinder him, in the eye of the world, yet at loft himfelfandhis family (hall befo clean removed andfwept away, his name andmemory fo blotted out, that there 'hall not be anyprint or footftep ofhis being upon thefaceof the earth. Whence note,That the memoryofwickedmen¡hallperifh for eve?, none¡hall own them. If they be asked about them, they (hall fay, we have not free ,them. Peter] in his temptation denyed Chrifl, Mat. 27. when they askedhim, fayif, Art not thou one ofhis Difciples? No,faith he, I know not the man.As the Saints under temptation, and as hypo- ritesjntheir daily converfation denyChrift:fo the time will come Q-. whea