i 14 Chap. S. An Expofition upon the Bookof J_OB. Verf. 18. when hypocrites and wicked men (hall be denied themfelves, their places (mall fay, We know them no more. They (hall be re- cnecubrcd only as Pilate is remembred in that which iscalled the Apoftics Creed, who 'lands there upon record for his wickednefs, cowardize and injuflice in condemning Chrift, whom he kn ewto be innocent. Wicked men are eitber forgotten, or elfe remembred With a brand ofdzfgrace. Theywho have been adored andflattered, and crept to like little gods,lhall not be owned by the meaneft men. E- ven their paratztes who have hung about them will fall off from . them, and fay, Who, we know them ? we know no fuch men. I t is prophetied (Zech 8.23. )of the Jewes who are now a defpifed and flattered people (yet 'till a people in the heart ofChrift)that God will bring them forth at Taft, and they (hall be a people fo much honoured, that ten men out of every Nation(hall take held of the skirt of bim that is a few, Paying, We will go with you, for we have heardthat God it withyou. The defpifed Saints, fuch as the world hath can out, and Paid, We will not fee or take notice of them, (hall be honoured or envied ofall ; Men will beglad to take hold of their skirts, and fay, Come, let uc go witbyou ; O that we might have a part and portion with you, for we know that God is with you!Othat we had lived the lives,andmight die the deaths ofthe righteous!O that our beginningshad been,and that our lat- ter ends might be like theirs!Likewife a time will come,when hy- pocrites and wicked men (hall be defpifed by their admirers, and cart out , as not worth the looking on by their gro-ífeft flatterers. Cic in °rare It was a great honour which the Oratour gives Homer, a Heathen fey Arch.. poet. Poet,who was a man offuch reputation, that many great Cities 'trove for him: One Paid, he was born here; another laid, he was born there; a third, amongus was theplace ofhis birth. All de- fired to own him, becaufe he was a manhighly honoured for his learning in thofe times . Soon the other fide, every place (hall be athamed oftome men ; this place (hall fay,we have nothing to do with him; and that place (hall fay, we have nothing to doe with him ; one (hall di(claimhim, and another thall difclaim him, all (hall refute hitn.It (hall be the honour of Saints to be defiredofall ; and it(hall be thefhame andpunifhment ofwicked men, to be cafeout and difregarded by all. They whodefpifi God,(hall at lafi be lightly efteemed among men. Bildadhaving thus enlarged his fimiIitude, in all thepartsofit, and at lati laid the hypocrite as low as forgetfulnefs, fo low that