Chap.$ ". fix.' Lxpofition upon the Bookof J O B. .'erC2o. r27 had of providence is the power of God upholdingour being,as the hand of 'Creation was the power of God giving us our being, lfa. 42, 6. I the Lord have called thee in righteoufnefr, and I rvzll hold thinehandand help thee. So, .111.41. 13. that is, by holdingof thine hand I will help thee. Thefame word in the original isufed for hardening the heart ( Exod. 9. 12.) becaufe hardnefS of heart flrengthcns it to do evil. A hardheart is armed for anY fin. So then we fee,when the Lord refufeth toput forth his hand,or to take (bong hold (as the word imports)upon thehand of evil men, the meaning lies in oneofthefe three Things , z. That he bears no favour to them, he doth not approve their caufe orbufinefs. 2. That he gives themno affiflance nor encouragement in their bufinefs. 3 .Thathewill not deliver or refcue them out oftheir difireffes; when they are finkingand falling he will not put forthhis hand to hold them up, or to keep them fromfinking. God is not a Patron noraProtefour, an Adjutor or Aider ofevil doers. Evil doers. We mull not take thcfe evil doers forall and every one that loth. evil,for then whom wouldGod help ? We may then fay(with reve rence)Godhelp us indeedswhat a miferablecondition were we then in,ifGod would not put forth his hand to help any that do evil ? The evil doer is a man notorioufly,profeffedly, fiudioully wicked, one that ads and devices evil againll God and his wayes. Every one'whó Both evil is not to be reckon'd an evil doer . A man loth evil in any one at:but oneaddoth not make hirri an evil doer. A MagifIrate muff count him an evil doer, whodoth evihand there- fore he muft take vengeance (in many cafes) ofhim that doth evil (though but once)Rom. I3.4.and thoughhe repent. The Angels were caft as evil doers for one ad,and fo was man in innocency but now theevil doer isonewho multiplies and continues in evil deeds ; to fuch as thefe the Lord will not put forth his hand, or, give them his help. Obfervc then, Firft, That God it nofriend, no affiftant unto men in finful wages. He will not ftrengthen the hands,or help forward the work of wicked men. God is the punifher and judge of_evil.doers,therefore not their helper. Evil ..._. ,