Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

rEivi4et ("9' Chap. 8 An Expofition upon the Boo(Zof J O B. Verf. 21 , men. Though laughing, as it is a natural aot, is common to all men, yct in the fenfe we (peak of, laughter is appropriated unto godly and perfect tnen:They only can laugh incleed,who have mourn- ed indeed.A wicked man doth but feign a laugh. He laughs to thee and to me,lut he doth not laugh tohimfè/f:He lath no true laugh - ter,while he laughs.His laughter is madnefs,and proceeds from his ignorance; not from his reafon. Befides other marks of difference which (hall beput between the fervants ofGod and their enemies, this is one,hlyfervantsfhall rejoyce, andyefhall be afhatnedIfa. 65. o3.)This joyarifes two wayes. Firft, From the greatnefs of the biding, which they receive for themfelves. We muff rejoyce in the leaft mercy, how greatly then in the greateft? Our joyes take theirmeafure by our mercies. VVhen Sarah had a Son,fhe faid,Godbath made not to laugb,fo that all that hear mefhall laugh withme,Gen.21.6. Her mercy in receiv- ing a fon was fo great, that it would ferve a whole world to make merry with. The man that had found his loft fheep, laid it on hisjhoulders, rejoycing, (it was a pleafant burden to him ) and when becamehome, he called ,together his friends andneighbours,fay- ing,R ejoycewith me(Luk. r5.6.)As Tome aflii( ions are fo big, that all our own forrows arenot large enough to weep and mourn over them: fo fomehidings are fo big,that they call out more then our own affections to rejoyceover them. Secondly, This overflowing joy arifes from the greatnefs of thole judgments, which are poured ont upon theenemies of the Saints. The overthrow ofPharaoh at the red fea,of jabisi,and Si- f ra at the brookKifhon,filled all hearts and mouths with laughter, and fo thall the overthrow ofBabylon,Rev. 15. Thus, when God dothgreat things for his people, and-great things againft his enemies, then it is time to rejoyce greatly (Prat' i 26. r .)The Lord bath done great thingsfor us, whereofWe rejoyce; fay the captive Jewes in the morning or firft dawnings of their de- liverance from Babylon: and more then fo, Then was 'our mouth fill'dwith laughter,and our tongue withfinging. And there is caufe ofgreat rejoycing in thofegreat things,becatifethenGod fulfils his promifes,&makes hisName glorious in his p'rovidences.ThenGod is greatly honoured, when his people are greatly delivered:; then the blafphemies of wicked (nett are unanfwerably confuted, and their mouths for ever flopped. From all there confiderations the hearts of :he Saints are filledwith laughter,and their mouths. with rejoycing,