Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. $. An Expofition upon theBoek of J O B. Veri. 22. 139 have done,Were they at all afhamed?As ifhe had faid,what a bold- nefs or impudence is this people come to, they are not afhamed of thofe things which are clearly forbidden in the Word. A good man is afhamed of any thing he bath done again)} the light of Scripture. Every man is afhamed of what he doth againft the light of nature. 2. Shame arifes from long delay, or detainments much beyond expectation. When Mofès Raid long in the Mount, the people were afhamed( Exod. 32. a.) So Judg. 3. 25. when Eglon !laid long in the inner parlour,the text faith,his fervants,who waited with- out, were afhamed. 3. Shamearifeth fromutter difappointments. If hope deferred caufeth fhaine, thenmuch more hope defroyed. When a man fees his hopes quite cut off, fo that lie can no way reach the thing he looked for, ¡haine takes hold of him ftrongly. David prayes (Pfal. 119. 116.)Vpholdmeaccordingto thy word,that I may live, and let me not be afhamed of my hope ; that is, let -me not lofe my hope, for then I shall be afhamed ; my enemies will rejoyce and hoot at me, where's the word upon which you trufled to be up- holden?Read Ifa.19.9.Pfa1.27.6.Pfal.119.1 i 6.Inall which Scrip- tures we find ¡name following the total frufiration and difap- pointmertt ofhope. Evil doers Ihali be afhamedupon thefe three grounds.They have done thingsagainil common Iight. They )Hall flay waiting and gaping longfor what they delire. They thall fee themfelves total- ly difappointed and defeated in their defies ; hence fhame ¡hall fill their faces, and they ¡hall be cov: red with it as with a gar- ment. Here is more then bare flame waiting upon theln,the text faith, Theyfhall bé cloathed withfhame. To be cloathed is applyed both to ornament and difhonour. Thereare three degrees of expreiTion in Scripture about (hame. I. Barely to be afhamed, that's the lowell. 2. To have the facecovered with fhamc; Let not then; that wait on thee, OLordGod of hafts; be ajbamedfor myfake. Becaefe for thy fake I have born reproach,fhame bath coveredmy face (PIal.69.6,7:) The Prophet complains,that his face was covered with fhaine ; his enemies endeavoured to blot and afperfè him, they poured con- tempt and reproaches upon his face, that is, upo:ï his reputation in the world (todo fo is to cover the face with shame) there- T 2 fore