Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

r+o Tap. 8.. An Expofttionupon the Book of J O B. fore he pa-ayes, Let not thofe that wait on thee be confounded for my fakf. Lord, they havecovered me with fhame, but do thou vindi- - care my reputation and mine honour ; let not them that wait on thee be afbamcd for my fake, bet ufe I have had (harm uponme for thy fake that is, let not any be difcouraged in thy fervice,. through my fufferings. The Apofile feared fore would faint, be- Brdni confàf caefc of his tribulations, Epb. 3. r3- agefl''her aj, 22. To be cloathed n ithihame,which implyes the whole man un- nua,quoexpri. der;acovering ofdifgrace.Sorne are fo cloathed with fin,that their s srurenininada very cloaths are afhamedof them,being unwilling to touchor hide coalundeni ve- luth fins. job (peaks that fence in the ninth Chapter (verfe 31. "cundaa.Bold, concerning his own righteoufiaefs in juflification,lf Iwafb myfelf cffimenra di- ruasrur abeam_ with fnon-water, and make my hands neverfo clean, yet thou wilt nor:quaffma. plungeme in the ditch,xndmine own cloatbsfhall abhor me.; that is, 411l0a3lon1rl3 iflfhould let my felfup in myown righteoufnefs,my own cloaths láexe;sinerter, would be loth to cover filch a piece offpiritual pride,as,that aet. would witnefs me to be. To be cloathedwithfhame notes four things. Firft, The extent or abundance of it. Tobe cloathed with ho- nour, is to have much honour. To be cloathed with humility,is to 9anifeftiron- be very humble (1 Eh that is cloathed is covered all o- fsaudemur.oqu. ver with his cicathi-ng . Secondly, The publicknefs of it, that flume cannot be hid. A.1man cannot go abroad but his cloathingis -fern ; the filthinefs which lies underneath may be hid,Erur his cloathing cannot,Their jfl'quafì pre.. lhame fhàll cloath them; they (hall not put their fhame under their mium peccati, cloaths, theirfhame (hall be in fight. ¿Oercedirenian: Thirdly, They all be.cloar edwithfhame, may be under(iood noaninc Syndo- e Y fh rolim daban_, thus,fhzme/hall be their reward. They have beendoing the bu- s,.r. finefs of Sàtan,he lets them a work,now fee what livery they (hall have at laft,into what lute the devil will put thennThey (hall go in a livery ofdiíhonour. Servants are cloathed by their Mailers ; Satan cloaths his fervants,and this is their cloathing,they (hall be cloathed with fhame.. Sampfo was to give thirty change of gar- ments to tlr Philif%ines for a rkward,if they could declare his rid- Natura yra,,re dle (Judg. 14.12.) Satan gives liveries and garments offhame to antefangumen. thofe who fludy out.his riddles and do his drudgery. ante(e pro ve- Y , la tenra d fm. Fourthly, Tf we take the letter of the Hebraifme, to be cloathed en*,obtendir with fhasne itpplyes thus rnuch,that when a manhath done a thing v44,4rs.l.74, n, ofwhich he is alb timed, he (as i t were) fends forth blood into the