-j'j.2 Chap.'S. An Sxpofitioii upon the Bevl'Af J O B. Verf.22 ’ Olim in tento1undefj&um ut t'jeni8fium-pro\ ..qj&HkMdomoi accipinm\-: tfe/dmumiji- .town citniorn- m’-usrebus do- mjUcis/Dm(, Vfc\?Ct) ' adverbum, non ipfumpfub- inielligiiliYf t9 vel ent. Vhat.if he fee but the pido reofa man,he will tear it topieces.Ma- ny men have fuch an hatred a'gainft true,real! goodnefs,that the.y cannot: abide the ihadow or ajapeatance o^itiu.' . A id the dfpellingplace of.the n'ic^djh.ifl coinhYnought. ' We .have met many paflages to-th\spnrpoCc.VmVmg flacdm the Hebrew is a tabernacle,becaufe they,were wont to dwell in tabernacles. Andwhenhe faith,HistdMemaclejb.aUhe brought to nought-, The meaning is. His. whole eftati Jhall he bmught .to nmght\ nofbhly'thewalls ofhis'houfe ‘fhalh'he overthrown, ,;but all his' goods,his riches, his. honours, his titles, hiSchildren,his relatiens, whatfeever is dear to him (lull bebroutfit tonought i .the Hebrew is,,itJhall hot ke-yit (hall be,as iffucha.thing had:never,been;in;the woi-ld.God will-atdall makdan utteisMttfimptwtof wickedjj mem None whohave tabernacles in the:world,(hall long have a tabernacle in the world. Brft the fall oftheft ideas- tabernacles (halluot be according to.thecondition ofmortality only. AsMofesfpeaks ofCorah, Dathan&c. Thefe menHull not die the common death Ofairmen,a remarkable judgement lhall overtake them.Somesake tabernacle, to note their religious,duties,their worlhipand (crvice of God, and fo theirTpirituafellate. Wickedmen willferve God outwardly, they have their tabernacles ds well.as the Saints, they pray and hear,e^c.,But, be it acivil, or beit a religious tabernacle; down it muft, all their riches and all their religion (lull come to nought. J O B ,