Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

148 Chap. 9. An Expofition upon the Boo{Zof J O B. Yerf. 2. God : but man may be ju ft and righteous before God, though he have fin dwelling áin him, and that's my notion of jufiice in this difpute. Jutlice is either inherent or imputed. By inherent jufliceno man is jufibefore God according to imputed jullice, man may . be juft, and is before God. 5o thefe two propotitions are recon- ciled, No man it jujf before God : cuery believer io jufl before God. Our tranüation uling the difçretive, But, teems to carry this in- tendment, that no man canbejufltbefore God by inherent juftice, which the next verfè implies,Foi' if he contend with him, he cannot antwer him one ofa thou'and. The words taken its this fenfe are the fame with.theleventeenth verfe of the fourthChapter,Sháil moxtaíl man be..ntar,e juJt then God? There Elipbaz fpeaks compaiaf vely,in a way ofexceffc,.moreju(l, or,jufl rather then God: He cannot exceed God in any thing. Here job fpeaks comparatively in a way ofequality, How.flaould man loe juJl with God.? e cannot compare ,with. Godtat all. Yet uifgux `e au-, toe fen ante is the fame, and the denial' of mangy' perfe.d inherent tMórebonorura cómparat,bono rightcoulhefs is the fubjcfd: ofboth. A juli roancomparing with fe,quodaccepe- God, deprives himfelfofall his juflice, He is not fo much as-man rat,'privat, ea may be,by afpiring to be what God is. But I need not flay in any rpfacartone, farther clearing, how man is not jufl before God; or in any ob- gatt t fecam f ervations from it, but {hall refer the Reader back:to the fourth, ponit eo jujtraeffe de- Chapter. -ftnit,quamvir Onely take this horn it HowJhall manbe jut%withGod ? With iu 000 fuerit. God; that is, looking upon, or comparing.him ilf unto God.; as Yes'' ifl.e had fail, It will takedown all the proud and high thoughts of man, in regard ofhis own juflice and righteoufnefs, if he will but cat' his eye,upon God, a:id duly ;confider how jutl and righte- ous God is. Hence obferve, 2toe way yfir its tohumble our ('elvesfci' . our ownfinfallnefs, it to lookup and to confider thepurity and holinefs ofGod. If we let our (elves beforehim, we fhali fee how vile and cor- ' rupt,we are. His fulnefs will,conyince us abundantly ofour em /Done 's, hispurity will flaw us our 1pots, and his all-fufficiency our nothingnefs. If we bring a courfepeiceof cloth before a fine, we (hall fee what courfe fiulfit is : if we lay a better in any kinde. by a worfe,the worfe will appear worfer thenbefore.For the moll parr we who are courfe fluff our felies, compare our (elves with thofe who are as courfe as our fe1yes. While,fomemela Compare; them