Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 8. An Expojtion upon theBoek,° tof J O B. Verf. 2. fin : This is the fpecial means which Chrifl hath let up to-cleanfe his people from infeftious and Lnoifome opin ions. Thefe he dif- perks and difpels by the breath of his Minifters,in the faithful and authoritative difpenfation ofthe Gofpel. Fourthly, There are ill qualities in ffrongwindes ; fome arein- feftious winds,they corrupt the ayr,conveying ill vapours to the places on which they breathe: So there is a ftrong unwholfome windofwords, whichcarries unto finor errour. How often are the fpirits and manners ofmen infeffed and poifon'a by fuch a breath? Fifthly, They may be compared unto ftrong winds,in regard of the lightnefs of them,the wind hath little folidity in it, and that's it which Bildad efpecially reproveth in Job , here are a great many words, much of the tongue, but here's little matter, Words without weight are but wind when you gather then up,weigh and confider them fully, you can make nothing of them, there's no tack in them. Wind will not feed, no more will fuch words ; but wholforne and faithful words are meat and drink, ftrength an-d nourifhment to the foul : Sound difcourfe yieldsa well tempered underíìanding °many refrething morfels. Laftly, they are like firong winds for the fwiftnefs of them words pals fpeedily and fill all quickly ; Their line is gone out through all the Ea rth : andtheir words to theendofthe world, 'Pfal.a9.4. Another Pfalm fpeaks as much of wicked men, their tongue walked thorow he earth, the wind runs from one part of the world to another:Sodo words,when they are lent upon an errand, either to do good, or to do hurt ; therefore God chofe the Minifiry ofthe Word , as an inflrument to fave his people. And it is the fitteft inftrutnent,running fwiftly into the ears, and fo conducting truth into the hearts of thoufands at once. Upon theday ofPentecoft (Ari. z.z, 3.) When the Difciples met toge- ther, the text faith,Suddenly there came afoundfrorn heaven asofa rufhing mighty wind, and it filled all the bout where they mere f s- ting ; firft comes a ruffling wind ; what followeth ? There appear- ed unto them cloven tongues withfire. Thefe reprefented the man- ner how the Gofpel fhoúld be conveyed through the world : The holy Ghoft is lent in tongues,to Phew that by tongues tipt and in- fpired, afed and moved by the holy Ghoft,Lthe world Mould be fubdued to the knowledgeofJefus Chrift.The tongue is thechief Organoffpeech. And obferve, with the tongues there comes a C winds