Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

I¿ ¿, Chap. 9. AñExpofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf. . defcending from Heaven. When the skie falls we :Pall have Z.arkes. Laflly; The hard heart gets up to the Tribunall of the perfect:- tour, and from (corner commences oppofer ofgood nun, and ofthe good wayes ofGod; he will do them the uttermoft mifchiefhe can, who woulddoe him all the good they can. Get thee fromme; faith Pharaoh tol?Iofes,(Exod. I o.2 S.)Take heed to thyfelft See myface no more ; for the day that thoufeeft myface thou Jhalt dye. Pharaohs hard heart fpake hard words, and was preparing to give hard blows he'had.only fo much of honour and - ingenuity left, 'as to warn theProphet to avoid the blow:Which yet is more then hard- nefs of heart leaves to all.Many an hard heart ufes the hand before the tongue; and intlead of faying to his reprover, See my face no more, left thou die, calls him before his face, that hemay dye, or Peek his loth bchindehis back, and lies in wait for revenge. And here hardnefs of heart is at is'now a fit aufhionfor Satan: He fits f ftej? upon thisf}one; The devil is never fo much pleafed,as when man is molt hardened;the feed ofhis temptations takes root and profpers bell in this Bonyground. ;s But flail man profper too ? Shall any m n thrive of make a gain by hardening himfelfagairfliGod? Shall he come offwith honour or with profit ? Jobanfwereth, Who bath hardned himfelfagainft him , and loathprofpered ? Which may be refolved into this ne- r paearçe faár, gative propofition, No man ever hardned himfelf againft God and vain pace a. profpered. .. (i. e.) f _ TheHebrew thus,Hath any man hardened himfelf againfl God, liciter (bene andhadpeace ? Mr. Broughton renders near it,Hath any man hard- ee/frrt, Mere ned himfelf againjt God, and fondquietnefs ? To have peace or gla quietnefs,and tó profper,are ofthe- ws, loriori pets/1 g s P P ti quodpaliecn,'e and in an hundred Texts of the old Teflament. (u1010 ri11Or1- We may underfland Job either óf the'fe three wayes. a31,{ pots . 3xofter it, Phil, No pertinacious hard-hearted 'Man could aver glory that he got the better, or the-day of God; and fo profpered into a Nome cwn De,, peace by war ; that's away of profperity, in which he (hall never. puznans, frc tread. Gideon, told the menof Penuel, when I come. again inpeace; earn Tiva that is, when 1 hdve'eonquered and return rofpero ls, then, &c; Z1,úr p rage No man ever coneuèr`ed God,and fo return*d in peace, Peacewas 'cipt0tultrod never the Trophie :Of war with him. Deo ablata77, Secondly, whoever-hardened bimfelf againj' God- andprofpered? Idcm; That is,did ever any man fo weary out God by lengthening this war,