Chap. g. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J O'B. Verl. ï. r77 they may be underftood by the things which are removedand changed, in thefeyou may read his eternallpower and God-head. When God breaks the laws and courfe,,of nature, he thews his power as well as when he fettled the Laws and courfe of nature. He thews his power when he lets the tea out ofits place to overflow the earth, as well as when he bounded the fea, that it (hall not overflow the earth. Some things are with far let's power deflroyed then made, removed then fetied; but no power can dchroy the world, but that whichmade it, or faddenly remove a mountain, but that which fettled it. The power of God mutt be acknowledged in al- tering as well as laordering the naturali courfe or conflitution of the creature. And if we look to the changeof Metaphoricall mountain's it is a truth, an i.`,!uftrious truth, that the Lord difplayes his mighty powers in removing and over- turning the great ehates and cha- blithments of men or kingdoms. When God removes the moun- tainofour peace, of our riches, themountain ofoutward profpe- rity and ofcivil] power,it becomes us to fay,He it mighty in pow- er, whodoth all thefe things. God hathgiven us great tokensand teftimonies of his power in this.Howmany mountains,great mountains,men who were moun- tains,and things which flood like mountains in-our way, howma- ny ( I fay )of thefe bath the Lord removed ? Our eyes have Len mountains removing, and mighty hills melting : the power of God andthe faith of his people have wrought fuch miracles in our dayes, He removeth the mountains. Andtheyknow it not. They, who ? who or what is the antecedent to this, They ? are man er fatal- the mountains? So fome underhand it, and then the word know,'rarreiinani_ or the al of knowing is by a figure atcribed (asmany times in naræ jezajur. Scripture to creatures without reafon,fo)to creatures without life, mere. Pfal.5 8.8. beforeyour pots canfeel the thorns; the Hebrew is,before your pots can underhand or know the thorns, that is, before they are fenfibleof the heat of the fire to make them boyl, &c. Puts eA ma- An aé} offenfe, and is afcribed to pots, which arc things in- duri toquendü fenfible. mdetermira- But others take the antecedent to be man, Re removeth the pte mf P4? mountains, and they know it not ; that is, men know it not. So»je8Lot Maffer Brqugbtou tranflates, He removeth the mountains that zaincs.B,rf, A a men