t go Chap. 9. An Expof tion upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. . is the fin&éisnefs of many about the dealings ofGodwith them, that when great changes are upon them,changes like that of youth intoold- age,they are not atfeded with it ; providential! or judiciary gray hairs are not often known. Surely many of thetc gray hairs are upon us at this day : it will be fad ifEngland, be like Ephraim, and.know it not.It is worfe not to know we have gray hairs, Then have them. The one is but our affliáion, the other is our fn.` Gray hairs are upon us, !hangers have devoured our firength. As many oppreflïng moun- tains are removed ( for which we ought to blefs God, and admire his power) fo Come fupportingmountains havebeen removed,and' others !hake terribly, for which weought to mourn, and be humbled under the mighty hand of God. Ifwe knownot what God bath done ; he can quickly doe enough to make himfelf known. They who will' notfee thehandofGod, when it is liftedup (that they may be humbled)fhallfee it,andbe afhamed(Ifa.26.1l.) if the removing and (bakingofour mountains doe not awaken us, . the overturuing of them fhall;Tbat's the next aft ofdivine power in this noble defcription. And overturneth them in bis anger. The word fignifies to over-turn a thing, Co, as to change the' *tit, fuiver- form and fafhion of it, yea, to bring it to nothing ; not only to to nmater remove a. thing out of its place, but to take away the very being in nihlium, vel of it,and to remove it out ofthe world. Henot only turns móun- in frnamàain tains intomole-hils, but into plains, yea into pits, they (hall not qualitatentai- be mountains any longer, nor anything like a mountain. am, vet in Ìo. I t is much to remove a mountain, and fet it in another place: mom elium, but more to crumble it in a moment all to duft,that you (tall not 1 nde a peice. or a clod of it. The prophet threatens the. obfiinate Jews in fucha language, ( Ifa.3o.13,r4.) Therefore this iniquity frail be to you as a breach ready to fall, fivelling out in a high wall, whole breaking cometh fuddenly at an infant, and hefhall breakit as the breakingof the pottersveffel, &c. So that `there fhall not be fund in the burfting ofit, afheard to take fire from the earth, or to take water withall out ofthe pit. He overturneth them in his anger. Anger in man is a mixtaij'e6iion made up chiefly ofthefe two ingre- dients, farrow and revenge. Some call anger the boiling of the blond