Chap. g. An Extofition upon the Bookof J O B. Yea'. 7. pour, ftormy %t. c's fulfilling his Word. Senfefs creatures -aft at Gods comtuakal : ,,;d goe uponhis errand,' They . fulfill his Word. The Lord fun. tnefrage:unto Hezekiah, to allure him that his ficknefs was at, his command , becaufe the Sun was , (2 Kirags 2o. y, to. ) Shall the fhadow forward ten degrees, or goe backward ten degrees in the diall of Ahaz ? either way (.faith the Lord) I can doe it either way , as thou fhalt ask a fign, it thall be done. And Hezekiah anfwered, It is a light thing for the fhadow togoe down tendegrees, but let the fhadow re- turn backward ten degrees. Yet he knew the Lord did not offer him a light thing in either, when he Paid, Shall theSungoe for- ward or backward. The.Suns going forward was within a de- gree, as great a matter as it's goingbackward but Hezekiab calls it a light matter, in regard of common apprehenfion and cbfer- vation. The Suns motion is naturally forward, and though it íhould mend it's pace,many would not much regard it; but all would Rand and wonder at a retrograde motion,or at the Sun go- ing backward. Hence Hezekiah calls it a light matter for the Sun to goe forward comparatively to it's going backward.;And from either the Lord would teachHezekiah, that the creatures will doe what he bids them, even the Sun. will move:nuraculoully at his Word. How great a rebuke will it be toman, ifhe move not at the command of God, and as God commands ? Shall the Lord fay to the Sun,Rifenot,and it rifeth not ; and (hall he fay to man, Swear not,andhe will fwear;pray, and he will not pray .. fhall the Lordhave better.obedience from creatures without life then from man,who hath not only life but reafon ?; or from.Saints, who have not only reafon,but grace ? They who have grace give not filch univerfal obedience as things without life : for though there be a part in themalive to obey, yet there is a part in them backward to all obedience. Let it fhame us that there fïaould be any thing in us ( who have life, .reafon, and grace ( refilling; or not readily complying withall the commandsof God, when theSun, which hath not Co much as life,obeyes his voice,He commandeth the Sun, and it rifeth not. Thirdly; Obferve from the mannerof this fpeech. That, The Lpt'd, bath .a negative voice upon the motion of all creatures. He commanded, the Sun, and it rifeth not. ít is a royall Prero- gative that the Lord commands the .Sun to rife, but that the C c Lord a