Chap. y, An Expofition upon the Baokof J O B. VerC 7ï r94- p. Lord hath a power to flay theSun from rifing,lifts up hisPreroga- tive to the;higheil. In all difputes about power, his is refolved to be greatetl,who bath the negative voice,which checks and fuper- fèdeats all others. This is the PrerogativeofGod; he can flay the motion of the Sun,and of man. The Sun daresnot do his office to the day, nor the flansto the night, if the Lord fay, No.TheSun is defcribed Pfal.i9. 5. likea bridegroom coining out of his Cham- ber;drett and prepared, and as aGiant rejoycing to run his race; but though the Sun be thisprepared, and'dreft, and ready, yet it the Lord fend a writ, and prohibition' 'to the Sun to keep within his chamber, hecannotcome-forth, his journey is flopt. Thus alto he flops man in his nearefi prcpaxations for any action If the Lordjhall Cork, whofhiz la it -? Ifa.43. j 3. Thatis,there is nopower in heaven or earth-which canhinder him.'' But if the Lord will let,who fhalÍ. work? ,neither Su i,nor flars,nor men,nor devilscan work, ifhe forbid them. Thepoint is full ofComfort. God telsAbimelech in thecafeofSarah,Abrahams wife, whom he took into his houfe, I know that thou didit it in the Integrity ofthy heart, but l with-held tbee,ándIfatferod thee not to touchber(Gen. 20.6. )And wheniaban purfuedJaeab+with hard thoughts againff him, and ftrong refolutionsto deal harfhly'with him ; The Lord gave a negative voice,.(Gen.31 24.) Take heed that thoufpeaknot to Jacob either goodor bad. Laban had not the ufe of his own tongue, He-could not fpeakeither goadorbad. Not good or bad t was there any hurt for Laban to fpeak good to Jacob ? And the Flory tells us, that Laban fpake many wordsiand fbme bad enough to Jacob, charginghimwith double theft. Firfi, for ftealing him- fell away ( verf. 27.) Wherefore didfl thouf#eal awayfrom me ? Se- condly, for ¡leafing his Idols (verf. 3o.) Andnow though thou - wouldefi needs be;gone,becaufe thou longeftfore after thyfathers houfi, yet wherefore haft thou *In away my Gods ? Foul language all, thoughGod charged him not tofpeak a badword tojacob.Foran fwer know, We mutt _reflrain that reftraint to the point ofbring- mg Jacob back agáin,Thoufhalt notspeakeither goodor had tohim, to flop or turn him from his way, thou (halt ufe no:threatnings to bring him back to thee,no,nor any promifes or allurements: thou flraftmake no offers,of better entertainment towin him to thy fervice,whichwas the thing he fo muchdelred. Goodandbadare the two terms of all that canbe fpoken,and where theutmoft ex- ttreamsof fpeaking axe<forbidden, all (peaking to thatpl4rpofe is forbidden.