Chap. 9. An Expofitionupon the Bookof J Vé fr 7a -more, as they ( }er. 47. 6.) cried out, O thou Jivord ofthe Lord, how longwill it be are thou be quiet ? put thy felt into thyfcabbard, rejt and beJiitl.The anfwer was,Hory can it be quiet,feeing the Lord bathgiven it charge agate Arkelon ? &c. Our anfwer might be ( changing place ) the fame; How' can-it be-quiet,feeing the Lord hath given ita charge agairift England A word from God draws, and a word from God (heaths the fword. He that commands the Sun , andit rifeth not, can 'command the fword, and it finiteth not, the fire and it burns not, the water. and it drowns not, the Lions and they devour.not How,happy.are they who ferve the Lord over all Obierve fourthly, feeing,. He commandetb the Sun and it ri- fah not, that, The daily rifng ofthe ". Sun, is anaîl of Graceandfavour to the world. The Sun Both not 'rife alone of it, felt,, it is the Lord( as"we may fay ) that helps it up every morning. Therefore it is Paid ( Mat, 5.45,) He makes his Sun to rife:; Hit Sun, mark, how Chritl !peaks of theSun, as Gods own, that. Sun which he can either caute to rife, or not to rife, caute to rife uponone people, andnot upon-another, He makes. his Sun to rife; there is an aft of cmmon grace in making it to rife upon any, etpecially in ma- king it to rife upon all,upon the evil, and upon thegood,Mat.5.4r. That God makes the Sun rife to give them light, who ufc their eyes only to rebel! _again(;_ the, light, how admirable is it? . - Laflly, As to the fpeciall aim of Yob; we fee what a proof we haveof the omnipotency.of'God, He it great inpower, andmighty inftrength ; Why, becaufe he can flop the Sun ? He that can hay theSun, what;canhe not doe. ? We fay to men that attempt im- polIibilities, Climb up to-the Moon;"it is more Lo flay the Sun, than to climb: the moòn. And if the Lord be able to,overcome this dif- ticulty,what ditficugtycan henot over come? Here's a clear proof G`uirf i ¡r no. of the infinite power and wifdotme of God, lie (peaks to the Sun; ihm eTdiem, and it rifethnot. And nantdogec 01.° ta,r;olfl,ttox Ikefe,alethup theliars,. et auaJiob ure The Sun the light of theda the liars the lightof the night. die9qua/lobJab- j Y g nateoculten. Hefealeth,ttp the Jars. Some take it to be a Periphrafi.r, ora deferí- tÁrflell<¡Ju p,rion ofnight and day; becaufe till the Sim rifeth it is night, and when