Chap. 9. An Expofition upon the Hookof J p B. 'vert. 7. z 97 when day appears, the liars are feared up, or difappeár The Sun ri(eth, and tl}e flans are obfcured,we fee them not : So the former claufe,He cotnmarvi tb the Sun, and it riJeth not,is a dcfcription of the night;and this httter,he fealeth up the ¡tars, is ade(èríption of the day. 'The'plain (énfeof bosh bring this,He maheíh both night and clay. Secondly, (fay others)This real is fet upon the Sun, in behalf of Pr° 'Peilrt t.ç. the ftars,Hefe.tleth up the Sun for theJiar: ; that is, in (àyou r of the nair(icioierj ) J7óTlafUla, qü° fiats; that might fometimeappeàr in their lutire and glo- in faveremflet- ry to, the world`; he keepeth the Sun from appearing. llrumDurcon- But (as we tranilate)we may better keep the feat upon the liars, tinetfoli He fealeth tip thefiars. fplendorem in And fo, Pealing may import either of there two things. altero Ha!m:- Eirft, The fafè cultody of the Hefealeth up the jtars ; that Jp rra' Cajet. is,he preferveth the liars in-their orbs in the places where he hath fet them, theyfhalhnever drop out. Sealing-is often ufed for af- furance and fafe keeping. Darius. ( Das. 6.) féaled the ¡tone up- out the den of Lions, that fo Daniel might not be refcued or fetcht Annul'snon mornarar from the danger. The Jews, that theymight keep "Chrilt fart. qtauam rGfladi2 enough, feal'd the (lone of the fepulchre, wherein his body was gratia (tit(); in_ laid (Mat.27.)And in a fpirituall teufe, the fealingof the Spirit, is venios (licit to make the foul fate in the love and favour of God. A foul that is Macrobiust.7. feared by the Spirit of God, is fecured of the love of God, and Saturn.c, . than never drop out ofhis heart. So, He f'aleth up the ltars,is, He makes the liars firm and fait in their Sphears. But rather, Secondly, Sealing is for fecrefie, or for the hiding of a thing from the fight ofothers : So in the leafingOf letters, that they be not fees; and oftreafures, that they be not 'loin or taken away, claufe widen- Deut.3z.34.Job i4.i7.Thusthe Lord fears up the liars, when he rur,rumnonvi- clouds or obscures the liars, and will not let them be teen. Some Srdem great volume, A ur. make it an allution to book. The heavens area lIx etom nia cæli lcra ?; wherein many,truths oil God are written, his name is there; and %situ cbarafle- the liars are as,fomany charaélers or letters of his Name.He often resquidam cJfi.' feats up this great volume, and lbblots there letters that no man ciuntl:brum can reador ditiinguifh them. f'íned Thirdly, Themeaning of, Hefealeth up thefears, may be taken thus, He keeps in, and clofes up the verrue and influences of the liars ; he (lops thofe treafures,whichufually come down from the liars upon the earth. Naturali philofophyteaches us,- that all the fatncfs and fruitfulnefs Of the earth, is conveyed. fronì-the.hea- vens,