11n Expofition upon the Bookof j Ç) B. Verf. 8. vens, Heaven nurfes and fucklcs the earth :and ifthe Lord pleafe he can dry up thole breads, Peal up thole influences, flop thole fe- cret workings which the heavenly bodies have upon the earth. Oblerve hence, That the influences of the heavens are in the bandofGod, to let them out, orfray them as hepleafeth. As he can feat up the fpirituall treafures ofheaven,that the foul (hall receive no light, comfort or refrefhing from them in Ordi- nances ; fo he feals up the naturallinfluences ofthj heavens, that the earth and the fruits of it here below thall receive no quick- ning, no refrefhing from them. And the earth languithes when the Lord fufpendeth and fealeth up thenaturali influences of hea- ven, as the foul languifheth, when the Lord flops up the fpiritual influences ofheaven, when he feals up thatftar offacob, that day- fiar from on high, Jefus Chrift. what we hear ofGod in natural things; fhould keepus in con- tinual dependance uponhim for fpirituals ; he feals with the com- forts of his own Spirit, and he feales up all comforts from our fpirits. ,VerfeS. Which alonefpreadeth out the heavens, andtreadeth upon the waves of thefea. Thisverle gives us a further argument ofthe mighty power of God. See how fobs dilcourfe moves from earth to heaven, and from the heavens down to the fea. He fearches for the wonders ofGods power and wifdome,inheaven and earth, and in the wa- ters. Before he (hews God flopping the coma of the Sun, and foaling up the liars ; now fpreadingout of the heavens,and tread- ,ing upon the fea, Hefpreadeth out the heavens. Theheavens in reference to the earth, are the upper part of the world. The heavens arc (as it were ) the roof of the great houle, which God made, or as a fpangled Canopy over our heads, He fpreadeth ont the heavens ; The word is ofthe wall number in the ,Hebrew, and bath divers derivations, which are conliderable to enlighten us in the point. Hefpreadeth out the heavens. Some derive it from Sheon, which fignifies a name, a name of honour