Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Vert S. 199 honour and dignity, Men ofName are men ofrenown ( Gen. 6.4.) Nomen,g1 ria, the heavens are the moil glorious, beautifull and renowned part aecur 'Pia (w° nat m of the Creation ; Their name is above every name of inanimate ium elf nemi- a pars creatures. mundi.Martin.' Others, becaufe there are waters above in thefe heavens, derive in Leo: i'hiisf. the word from (Sham) which is an adverb of place, and (Ma- Anali Ho- lism) which figgnifies waters ; as much as to fay,there are waters,or there is aplaee, where God hath .fountains and bores of water. All his waters "are not upon the earth, he hath watersand fprings in heaven. A third takes it for a liimple, not a compound word, being neer Paulus Fagiùs the Ifhmaelitifb wordShama, noting only fuperiority in place, in Gen. . high or above. A fourth opinion derives it from Schamem,which fïgnifies, to be amazed, or to-make one at a fluid with wonder : And the reafon ='1°4-'W isgiven,becaufe the heavens are fuch a ìati,itupendsous body,that ifaman look upon them exa6tly, they will amaze him. Who can u?ar,pro.' obferve the Sun, Moon and Stars,and not wonder,and be Iran- pier ingnem% (ported, at their vafinefs and beauty, at the fwiftnefs and regu- valliráce larity of their Motions; it is aboye the reach and apprehenfionof rumpanod naturali reafon, how theLord thouldfafhion and fpread out fuch çfpicier:es its heavens. fluporemrapit. But what are thefe heavens which he fpreadethforth ? Yifc,iuGem.' Heaven is fotntimes expreffed with anaddition, the higheft hea- vens, the third heavens, in 2 Cor. ¡tad 2. The heaven of heavens, a King.8.27.Paul was wrapt up to the thirdheavens,tbat is,in vi- lions and revelations he was brought as near to God himfelf, as a creature poffible can. Of this heaven we arc to underfiand that, Gen.z.a. where Mofes faith;In the beginning God created the hea- ven and the earth, and the earth waswithoutform and%ioid.He doth not fay,'the heaven which God created at hill, was without form andvoid, but the earth was without form and void;, for that hea- ven wasa perfect creature. We read further of the creating of thofe heavenswhich we fee, ofthe vifible heavens, which are the continent of theSun, Moon and Stars. '"But, In the beginning God created the heaven ; that heaven which by way ofeminency is called, Thehabitation ofhis holinefs, and his glory, Ifa. 63. a 5. Thiswas created in the beginning, and then, it is conceived the Angelswelt,likewifecreated; butttheearth which'was then made was 3ti impcitfed Gdeatore, and all other orporall creatures with their'