.2 00 Chap. 9. An Expoftint pion the-Booh,of j 0 B. verf. S. their feveral forms and fulneCs were cxtrac;}ed out of that earth, which was zritbout form and void. The very heavens ( which we fee,were made out of that firft earth, Sun, Moon , and the Stars, yca,the very light it (elf was made out of that earth, that general heap of natter which the Lord created at firft,aud is Paid tohave been without _form andvoid.But the Ireaven,wlrich we call the hea- venof heavens, the third heaven, or the higheff= heaven, was a perfcff creature the fìrft day,madewithout any pre-exiftenrmatter what- foevcr by the power of God. This heaven is the largeft ofall the heavens which God fpread out. Secondly, Take heavensfor the vifible heavens. I intendnot to flay upon phylofophical confiderations,only what theScripture holds forth ; we find heavens put, firft for the (tarry heavens or the firmament, where the liars have their motion, that's the hea- ven meant ( Gen.x.17. Pfal. 8.7. Pf4l. 19.r.) This, according to the doéfrine of Aftronomers, is difinguifhed into feverall Orbs andSphears,in feven of which leven fpecial liars are laid to move, and all the reft to be fixed in the eighth. The Apoftle fade feems to give a hint ofthole planeticall Orbs (jade v. x 3.) where hé juftly reproacheth unfetled fpirits by the name of wandring( tars or planets, to whom is referved the blacksefr ofdarknefsfor ever. Thirdly, Heaven is taken in Scripture for anearer heaven, for all that which is below theMoon,for the air and the clouds.Hence the birds are Paid toRie in the heavens ; and ( Gen. '.a. )the rain fromheaven was reftrained, that is, the rain from the clouds, for 2ripte eß ca the re is no rain in that heaven above theclouds. dumaeriumfi- Heaven is a building of three (tones. The firft foxy is the air dneumarati, and the clouds up to the moon. The fecond Rory reaches all the Whir feperiur, planets and (tars. The third itory is alto called, the third heaven, invifrbite el or the heavenof heavens, the place ofhis molt glorious refidence, 1.2.áe m.Darn, who filleth heaven and earth. Ds.de ertho- v dog,,fde, All there heavens the Lordfpreadeth oyet. There is a threefold fpreading forth ofa thing. hirft, By contufion or beating with hammers, as a mafs ofgold or dlver, e c. is fpread into thin plates or leaves. Secondly, by way ofrarefaáion or attenuation ; water is.ra- reficd by fire, and fo are metals, when they are melted or caufed to run with extream heat.In allufion to which,Elihát fpeaks inhis challenge to yob ( Chap.37.18,) Haft thole with himfpreadout the - slic