Chap. 9. Expofttlon upon theBosk of J O R. Verf. B. 20I riCal skie which is ffrong, and as a molten looking-glaf is. The skie is of a weak, fleight matter, not hard, matie, or elemental, yet kit fdrong;and the nature of it being.incorruptible,the figure ofitdron :d and indiffoluble. And it is compared to a looking- glafs, for the clearnefs of it ; thora inliruments were made, force ofglafs, Come offleel or brats, molten and pölifhtfor.:that purpoîe. Thirdly, A thing is fpread forth by unfolding the parts, as a tent or a curtain is thread : and thus the fpreading cf the heavens is defcribed Prat. Io I 2.0 Lor thou art cloathed with hansur eterdú,di- s f ;} j`lerértf<'uz and rtajefty,. thou ffretcheff out the heavens like a curtain.God took renre f um. the vafl matter folded together, and fpread it as a curtain, tabor * Ht' dazpun nade or tent. And the* Latine word which carries the interpre- manar,btt fæ Cation ofthis in the Hebrew,is frequentlyapplied by ancient Au- vurtendebät thours, to the tthin of tents in war. In this third finte we t,13,L *'rg. p $ z ni d, are fpecially to underliand the Text, Alone fpreadeth out the "fats honor heavens. terdeósr. Suet. And fo this fpreading is either an expofrtion of the nature of the inGermano heavens(Gen.t,8.)TheLordfaid let therebe light in the firmament; rum.cchorte. the Hebrew is* Let there bean expanfion, or a firetching forth. Etmilrres ran_ Thefe heavens are fomuch fpread forth, that they arc called , a dare omner ex thingfpreadforth ; and fo the text is a defcription ofthe heavens travsilum ju f in their firh Creation. Or,it may refer to the wards going before, fcæ umEve and fo thefe are a reafon to fhew that God can.command the Sun, frrmamernum and Peal up the liars, why ? He fpreadethforth the heavens; that is, uocotur the heavens are all ofhis making, and at his dilpo[ing he let, the eo quad eflex_ Sun there, and pnt the liars there, the fafhioned the orbs in'which núm & e2D- theyare placed; and therefore he can flay the Sun , and foal the tar á soruf liars, fine et:jufquam And as he thus fpreadeth out the heavens,fo,which is more ob- pNo. fervable, Hefpreadeth them out alone. When a piece all angings or the like ofa large-extent is to be fpread forth, one man cannot tnflrpnenrun doe it, many hands are put to that is an axiome in Divi- crentoná ore - nity,that no creature can beaninffrument in Creationahis ffretch- rurarffanon poteJl, ing forth of the heavens, is an a( ofCreation, therefore be alone doth it, there is none to help him. Yet we findthatGod had foreother with him,whenhe fire tch- cd out the heavens,though it be here attributed to him alone:and though Elihu expofiulates with Job in this point (Chap. 37.18.) Halt thou with himfpread out the skie'which isftrong, and as a mol- ten looking-glafs ? Elihu would bring down the thoughts,of D d which