Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

202 Chap. 9. AnExpofrtion upon the Book, of J O B. Verf. B. Which he conceived were toomuch lifted up,by (hewing that God Solos, gata ne. did this alone ; 761, (faith he) dish t thou hold one part of this MD extra ipfun great Curtain or Canopy of heaven in thy hand, and God ano- eum ipfo,fedu ther, and was it fofpreadout between you ? No, neither man na cum tjfoöli nor angel was his helper ; who then was with God in this work? tidemitotr per Solomon tells us, (Prov.8.27.) When hepreparedthe heavens Iwas fubfilantiefirrt; there, when befit a compafs upon the face ofthe depth. Whowas 1çerbo enrtn that ? I wifdome was there. JefìtsGbri(t was there. Chrift was he 7?onvni font by whom God prepared and (retched' forth the heavens. No cxli, fptritu creature was there, only the untreated creating Son of God. ors ej:,s cmn is `1 c , g 6cirtus eormn God created alone, that is without thehelp ofanycreature ; but Solon eninr he created all things by the Word,ardthe word was withGod, and divinitas facir, the Word was God. All things were marte by him, and without qua. ma it him was not any thingmade , that was- made. Obferve from hence, Firft, The heavens are as the royal Tent andpavilion of the Lord. He f preadeth them out. TheLord is often expreft coming out of the heavens with warlike preparations:There his tent is pitcht, and he fitteth there, as a great Commander in his pavilion, to give out orders to his Armies. He bath an hole inheaven, and there- fore he bath a tent in heaven; or rather heaven is his tent. The Lord hath his way in the whirlewind, and in the form, andclouds are the duff of his feet, Nall. 1.3. God pitches his battei inheaven; The(tars in their courtes fought againft Sifera. Ikefought from hea- xen ; from thence he difcharged his great Artillery, his Can- nons thundered and lightned againft the enemies of his people. He hath alío his (lore- houfes for ammunition,hisMagazines there E/l allufr'o ad (Job 3S. 22.) Haft thou (faith God tojob) entred into the trey armanenrsria fives of thefnow ? Or haft thoufeen the treafures ofthe hail,which I PorumQ,abi - have refervedagainft the time oftrouble, the day ofbawl andwar? Wotan et tor. He fpeaks ofheaven as of a great (tore- houle, where he hath his . mentarum in= arsns,his powder and ball,all his warlike provifion laid upagainft . geneapparatas the day of battei. Heathens have fpoken fuch language, calling, reeonditur.Bo forms and tempeft, hail and thunder., The weapons andengines of uicquid ha- the Armory heaven. bet:odor ism Y o f armamen{aria. Secondly, I.n that he faith, Heffretcheth out the heavens alone , exii.juven. ob-ferve, Sot. r That the Lord needs not thehelp ofany creature to dohis greateff works. He bath power, and he hash power in himfelf to do what he bath