Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. !1n Expofition upon theBook of J O f3. Verf. 9. 203 hath a will should be done;let all the creatures in, the world nand bill, yct God can carry his work forward.What work is like this, the nretehing forth the heavens : There cannot be a work of fo much difficulty under heaven, as the fpreading forth of the hea- vens.He,who did that alone, what can he not do alone ? Though men will not, though men cannot help, the Lord can and will a- Ione. Ifa. 59. 16. Hefaro that there was no man, andwondered ihat there was no interceffour;no man to do,noman to fpeak in that llu - finefs,not a man appeared:what then?doth the Lord fay, well (see- ing there is no man to do,I alfowill let it lie ? No, Therefore bis arm brought falvation untohim,and his powerfuflained him;he did it alone. Paul fpeaks of himfelf, that at his Sidi appearing be- fore Nero, all men forfook him, not a man would own him, but (faith he) The Lordflood by me ( Tim. 4. 15.) This is a great encouragement to us in great affairs and butnseffes, in the greaten firaits and difficulties of the times ; if men forfake and defers, the Lord alone can do all for us ; if men have not power todo what they have will to do, nor will to do what they have power s then remember, Hethatflretcheth out the Heavens alone, can order our works alone, compofe our differences alone, con- quer our enemies alone. God alone is infinite, greater, fironger, wifer, then all creatures together. God can be now as he will be hereafter,all in all unto us.God is enough for us without any crea- ture; yea, God and all that he hathmade cannot do more than God,without any thing that he hathmade. Andtreadeth upon the waves ofthe Sea. The fea is a fluid body;to fail or (swim in the waters is ordinary, but to tread upon thewaters, that's another ad of wonder, , He treadethupon the waves of the gea;or,he walkson them as upon a pavement. Totreaduponthe waves itnports,thatGod hath a commandover the fea,and the waves ofit.To tread upon a thing is to have it un- ílcrbum Darte der our power,or in fubjec`{ion to us (Pfal. 91 13.) the promiCe ali kquando eß is, Thou(halt treadupon the Lyon, and .upon the A# ; thatis, thou dons ptalìan:is ibalt prevail and trium hoverthe greateft evils, over enemies as ds debellantit p a fioßer.Qfi thong and fierce as Lyons, as poylonous and nin'ingas the Asp, jurebells fub, Pfal. io8. 9.0ver Edome will Icall out myfhoe;which notes either *here. contempt ofthem ; as if he had faid,I -lookupon them as worthy only to fcrape and make cleanmy shoes. Or fecondiy, Conqueft D d z over