Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

204 Chap. 9, AnExpofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf.$. over them; f will walk thorowEdom and fúbdue it. D.eut.1 r: 24. Ev-?rylace whereon the foie ofyour feet (hale treadfhall beyours;that is.yours (hall be conquering feet,you (hall tread as Lordsupon all lands, Yours (hall be all the groundyou go on, that is,it Thal be fìzbjeL to you,'udg,5.21.0 myfoul, thou haft troden down ftrength; and Mie. t .3. The LordfhalL.treadupon the highplacer of the earth; that is, the Lord (hall fubjed the higheft things that are upon the earth to his Power. That place is very obfervable, Numb. 24.17. W here Salaam p.rophefying ofChrift, faith (as we tranflate) A fearfhal1 come out ofJacob ; the Hebrew is, A(tar frail tread out of Cilcditúe114 Jacob, noting Chrifl a vi orious , a triumphant fiar,, who e'acub' should come treading and trampling upon the world as conquer- our ; though the world in regard ofhis out-fide trod and tram- pled upon him : fo 'tis explained in the latter words ofthe verte, He (hallfreite the corners of Moab, and .deftroy all the childrenof Sheth. A (farfhall treadout ofJacob. A treading(tar is a triumph- ing The Hebrew is, He treadetb upon the high places of the Sea; the 'r t. word (hamoth)is ufed frequently for the places where idolatrous Excelfamari,. wor(hip was let up, their high places. Mr. Broughton trauflates, Ambu7at fur' the high waves ofthefea; becaulé lea waves rife high,fohigh,that aititstnrem ro- the Pf lmift defcribes them, mountingup to the heaven. (Plal.i o7. aPi, mares. Tar.ilobnr. 26.) When thefe high waves threaten tei fwallow all, then the INtari, Lord treads upon them, that is,his power is above them, and he eiirit vehemen- makes them fubmit to his cornmand,As to ride upon the highplacer team maris nKVn i, C;I cf the earth (Deut.32.13,Ifa.58.14.)is to have higheft command, pin? , and to be a chiefupon the earth, or todwell fafely and free from e ,mmovetur. annoyance upon the earth : So to tread upon the high places or 1J0,1 Pm ¡mina- high waves of the fea, implies Gods Empire or Soveraignty over "Pr m) mars the Sea. attribuit. verg. &ciad.l: r. Hence, obferve,fiat, That the fed in its higheft rage is at the beck, and under the trend- ings cfGod. W hen the wavesare moft furring and raging, he fpeakes them quiet, Pfal. 89. 9. Thou ruleft the raging ofthelea, when the waves thereof arife thou ffilleft_them. As to walk upon the Sea is an ar- guaient of a divine power,;,fo to command the Sea. When, Chrifl (Mai. 8. 26.) rebuked ,the fea, and faid,as another Gofpelhath it (Marla 4. 38.) Peace and beftill, as if osa- thou !d hu(h -a child The men ma, velled,faying,what manner of man is wit, t1.oat; even thé wilds