An expofrtion upon the Fookof J O 13. Verf.9. thefe two matcht together (Pfal.65 .7.) He)iilleth the noife of the fiat, the mile of their waters, the tumult ofthepeople. Hence the Apoftle Jude(verf.t3) calls wickedmeii, ragingwaves ofthefea, Panting out their own fhame. The Lord fttteth upon thefefloudsyea, the Lordfitteth Kingfor ever, Pfal. 29. IQ. There are:other myfticall waves, even waves within us, which will not be trodden uponby any foot but Gods. There is a tea ofwickednefs in every mans heart by nature. Every wicked man is nothing but a fea, he is a fea ofwickednefs* The wicked (Ifa. 57. 20. ) are like the troubledfea, when it cannot rcfi. And as the windes blow from all quartersaf the heavens, and firive upon the feas:So there aredivers lufts,which as winds firive upon the face ofmans heart,the luft ofpride,the luft ofcovetoufnefs,the lulls of ambition, ofenvy, of malice, thefe enrage and fwell the waters. The Lord treads upon the higirwaves ofthis tea alfo,he reftrains and keeps lull down by his power, it would drown all elfe.Thefe raging waves fwell too high in his ownpeople ; it is the work of theSpirit to tread thefe down ; and when the windes offeveral temptations raite thofe waves,heit is thatcommands them down. Whoamongft us is there,that one time or other finds not corrup- tion raging, as the high waves ofthe Sea?Howmighty and pow- erful is the Lord in that great work ofhis effeCfual grace, tread ing upon the waves of this tea, remaining corruption in his fer- vantsand children ! Vert 9.Which malçeth Areturus,Orion,r_attdPleiades,andthe cham- bers of the South. In the verfe immediately before, we heard of the power of God in firetchingout theheavens;and in¡this we havehis excellent Ynaflrorura skill, and infinite wifdome difplayed in adorning, decking and pulehrñudine, beautifying thofeheavens which he had ftretched forth. He hath fitu, ordine, l i not only drawn out a vaft piece ofwork,likea large Canopy(fuch Ilupendifq;in are the heavens) but he hath embroidered this Canopy, and Petit with rich fparkling (ones; he hathmade feveral ngrav ugs,ima- oreratfonibur,- admrrabilir ges,hgures,a et reprefentations upon it. rorfut cream- Or we may make the connexion with the latter claufe of the vin m,gntfifcn former verfejob having Paid that the Lord treadeth upon the high noel rnognitu of doplurimum the fea;that when the feas are moil Ronny and tempetm- etucer.Bol Sus, they are at his command, and that their confufions are under his Empire and order ;he adds this verle bywayofanfwer to a pot- tible