Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.9. An:Expofition upon the Bookof J OBs VerCgë- 207 fible objeaion: For Tome might fay;the motion of the Ceas is from the power and influences of the ftars, from the riling and fetting c inn mintsfrnt of the moon, withother planners and conftellations. True faith afirahominibus 3-*yet the Lord is he that treadeth upon the waves of the Sea,it et ,faibus fin- is the Lord thatorders them,and not the liars : Though the liars f "fa' eorum præerpue memi- and conftellations have a dominion over the feas in their ebbings nit, quorumvis and flowings, motions and revolutions, yet there is a Lord who, ad fciendestens- bath power, not only over the feas , but over that which over- rejlares b,mt_ powers the feas, evenover the liars ofheaven. Re mar eth Ar u- nibus magna efi rus, Orionand Pleiades,andthe Chambers ofthe South ;which gars explrrnrs, .an. according to the doarine ofAftronomy,have a fpecial power up- on the feas. Either ofthefe waycs we may make the connexion. Firfi, That Job wouldexprefs the adorningof the heaíVens, at- ter he had fpoken oftheir making and ftretching forth. Or f'econdly,He would teach us,that though the heavens work upon the feas, yet God works upon the heavens. He ma!oh Ar- tturus, Orien:andPleiades, and the chambers of the South. I fhall endeavour to fpeak of thefe.diftinaly ; the holy Ghoft giving us fetch a Text,it is not lightly to be paflèd by:and though here are ftrange wordsand uncouth expreflions, yet we may ( j hope) bring them down to an Bale meaning, and fit them to the understanding ofthe timplieft, I (hall touch a little in the general before I come to every one inparticular. Jobunder there names couches many of the flars ofheaven. A Star (according toPhylofophy) sr the thicker part ofits orb or erpaefidett'` Jheariit is thicker then other parts ofthe heavens ; for otherwife ideo h s orbts: as if could not hold the light , so it could net reflea and fend flro,non eæ11; forth the light ; it could not be a veffel for light, or a conveyance quiahidiapha= for light. Light was created the firft day(Gen. i .3.)but the lights afaant em ri, , were created the fourth day (Gen. i. r,}.) that is, certain veffels denfa, coq; Iu were created to hold the light And God Paid, let there be lights (ens retinentia in the firmament ofheaven ; that is, let the light which is now et refstlentia. fcattered thorow all, be gathered in certain receptacles, fit to Magyr Phyft . keep,aud yet fitted to tranfmit and difperfe it into all parts of the world,Letthem befor lights in thefirmament ofheaven togive light verfe 15. Ofthere lights or ftars,fome are called moving,and others fixed. That's the doCrine ofAttronomers, and it is the doarine of the Scrip-.