208 Chap. g. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. VerGg. Scripture. The Apofile Jude (verí t3.) calling fome wandering }fars,feems to admit of that diftinttiionof furs intowandering and fixed. Theunfxt or wandering liars are fevers, knownby '-their names and motions.Thefe in the text are none of them;thefe are placed above them. The feat of there Ajferifines, isin the eighth fphear(to take that doctrine for;granted, though many difpute it)or ftory of the hea- vens (fo the Prophet Amos fpeaks,Chap.g.a. Hebuildeth hie 'brier in the hèavern;we put in the margent,fphears,hebuildethhisfpheart in the teavens,which being one aboveanother,are elegantly called the Ifories ofheaven) I fay in the eighth fphear innumerable fiars are fixed:Some ofwhich fall under fpecial obfervation and nume- ra ion. Afironowers give us a Catalogueof a thoufand three and twenty fiars,which they exactly ditlinguifh; which is the ancient account. And fince that, we have had many more difcoveries by tholenoble Navigators,who have made thorow lights to the world, that the Eafi might look into the Weft, and the South into The North:The travel Rudy and experiments of thefe Matters in Na- vigation have brought us in an additional number of three hun- dred flats more. And fo reckon a thoufand three hundred, and twenty three fixed liars known by name ; of which thefe in the text are a part. The other liars are both innumerable and unnameable,beyond number and without name. Hence when the Lord (hewed Abra. ham how great his feed fhould be,he carries him out,and bidshim look toward heaven, and tell the liarsifhe were able to number them, Gen. i5. 5. The fars(to come a little nearer the Tèxt)obferved and num- bred by Students in this great volume of the heavens, are diliin- gufh.d intofourty and one Images or reprefentations,whereoffome (for learnings fake)are fancied the images of men and women, O. thers the images of beafts and fillies, others the images of things without life.Ofthere images,twelve are in the Zodiack, common- Le ly called the twelve Signs. In the Southernpart of the fphear ele- houm imagi.;es ven of thofe figns are placed, and in the Northern eighteen,which non tam=or- added to twelve in the Zodiack, make up the number of fourty dine et fru, and on'e. 1Erum u eertir nommim ni. Now when it is in.the text, That God nraseth Areittrtts, p_ bas inter le ;di- rion, and Pleiades, and the chambers ofthe South , we are not to find fat. take them for fo many ditlinei: &particular ftars,but for conitella- tions,or contìgurations,becaufe they (land in fuch aform or figure: and