Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. AnExpofition upon the Bookof j O Verd. 9.- and fó for the better knowledge of them they are called by the names offuch creatures as they feem to reprefent. We have three,ofthofe fpeciall figures here in theText,and one more generall. Areiurur, Orion and Pleiades are three figures, or (tarry reprefentations in the eighth fphear. J will open, their He- brew names. As alto the Latine and Greek names,ufed common- ly in tranllations, by which we (hall get a clearer underflanding in the natureof things themfel ves. Which maheth Arllurus. The word Gnefh in Hebrew, fignifies a hu meeting or y con`reaYe, congfobare, congxegatütg'ofmany things together,becaufe in that ierejpondetcræ,:utnrerbua one, many liars; are joyñed. Araurus in Greek isas ovr d>úH,,Q od fl,commeare, .much as:to fay, The tail ofthe Bear, becaufe the liars vet urrdigi q; contentre. called Ardurtts (land in a figure like the tail of a efi cauda mt_ Bear. nortl ur/a, ¢Septentrrö drti- tur, rnvñs eipx7e úegr. The fecond AJierifine, which we traniate Orion, is ab urf^æ caL,e im,!itudine called in the Hebrew(Chefil) and that"fignifies either tri;) conliancy or inconitancy( the fenfe runs both wayes) conßantiam,robur, vol ineon. fettlednefsor variablenefs.And it is applied to this liar fla^tram fgnificár,quod ejNr orconttéllátiou in either feule. artustempo/latibiaor6em va- Fitt}, For conitancy or fetlednefs, becaufe there is rièturb.i. Bold, much ftrength in the influencesOfthat conflellation. Or,fecondly, For inconftancy and unfetlednefs, be- Vrtdo November FLebraic caufe it is obferved, that upon the riling of this star, d'citur Chitlu,, a ortu Onto. .there is-much variety, changeablenefs and unfeticd. rtt, quod so menta magna ft ,nefs in the weather. Hence theyews call t:'iat month c:ir {1: e. betèvo. which anfwers to our November, or the ninth month, d eh,td.rù Af lgcbar,hee.. G,- Chiflu`Zec.7.I.)becaufe that month was ufually very gas 8erast leiov. dudax,ve. Itormy and the weather changeable,Orion then ariling tmpgdoëtr'ûr rt;, et6' in their Hemifphear. The Arabic1 word (Algeufe) by tutbo,can. ito.pagn. in Ii, j which this Afterifine is named, fignifies a warriour,and bumpoigo derov't hrems {g' the Chaldee(ilgebar)aGiant,all aimingat the furious, asuofusOrion, boiflerous winds which ufuallyattend the appearing of this con-edam P1eia= fellation. And fo the Greekword from which Orion comcth de, diítt ru fi nifies to trouble or to difturb.And its ufuall Epithetcs are bold t'n''2uf'rh ieiement, imbetteotrs Orion, all betraying,; its _unquiet and various `w'`'''e'l'l`ç temper. 911 g. Mirq.,ari The third fiarry, afrociatjon we call Pleiades,tlte Hcbre:ws, Chi - tent. apt !nab.. This isa very cold conitellation. TheGreeks exprefs winter f."f(. eì, cif.' E e b Tó rrfv.n,ivi 1, ñ s¡ X. 2C-9