Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

2 t o Chap. 9. ílrt Expofition upon the Bcokof J O B. Verf. g. Cur VOCAttiY by this word', becaufe it brings in.froft and coldwith it.The deri- Chimahliben- vation of the Hebrew name is very obfcure. Some profeffedlyac- tir faeor me knowledge their ignorance, that they cannot tell how to derive tta/c re.Bo d. it et font di the root in the Chaldee, fignifyitrg firm, 'O- kídan dedu Y g cunt t1j diets in the Hebrew, lignifying to defire, or earnefily`to avifh fora ,chaldai,:um, thing; and the reafon of it is (fay they) becaufe thefe ftars'( the quad denorat Pleiades) the (even liars we often fpeak of, are much defrred by remelevotam Sminen,for Peeing thcm,they have a petfeta rule toguide and fleer liamererin their.courfe b And it is an Obfervation amon force oftheRab-. fuhlitime fermi y g terereflam,qui- bins, that Noah had a little window in the top of his Ark, that a eft inffar cJr from thence he might C when the waters began to affwage, and di "aquatipo' the fircfs of the deluge was over ) Took up to the heavens, and lot dut vertex know by thofe fiats what courte his Ark made. Thus much we iaundi. Aid a Tira know, that the flans are theSea-mens night-guide, aridthe rifing quodeft defde._ of force of them falls under "thcirtroxe f`pecialt obfervation. rare,mrem a1i< The fourth title of the flans is, * The Chamber r of thefoxt-h., quam terdere, And why, The Chambers of the South? The 'continent is put ea, af fur the things contained. The word which we tranflate Cham- ferlant videre hoeArum, bers, lignifies any thing that is very inward-or retired, and. 1i'r1'°thi 1 therefore tranilatcd a chamber, Jradg:r5; r. and-Cant. 3.4. Mans Tateriera au= fpirits is thus xpreffed, becaufe itliesfo ' far inward '('Prov.24.4.) flri. ttiam IJeus By knowledge : all the Chambers be fled ; that is, the molt fecret ex ipfs prom ptuariir,quaß parts ofthe fail íhall be filled by knowledge, Prov.i8. The in- de thfeaurrsfurs wardpart ofthebelly. Prov.7.27. 'Theygot down to The chamber of quofdam educit death that is, to the inmolf and moil retired wages 'of death,'the ventos,ei per grave. Here,Tb e chambers of theSouth are themolt rernote hidden ipfos mirabile:.and fecret parts of the South. And reafon why after he had frderu»t iUorum P Y, influxur,intel- cxpretl the other éonflellationsby fpeciall`names,hegives us fhefe ligieefttiva fi- only in gencrall L The chambers of the South ìs, becaife the flays dera,ut ell Ca- which are under the Southern pole, are hidden from ns, and are ctqui d e11eloied & lodged as in a chamber:God locks them up in his trey- mum ,tr,c r- fury,and they are fecrets to this place of theworld ; the fouthern Moon fpoÑant Pole being under or belowourHorizon. In theartificial! fphears (qui t'etur in- of heaven we find few Ailerifines or defcriptions of the flats erne fubcf2 llc about thofe parts there are many, but we perceive them not.. bene:i i noral:at ?mro) And the verrue & operation of there chambered,hiddcndfars is as . P > Puflrifrdera . tirung,as of thofe, which appear in the'greatefl lufhre and beauty. vocan:ur,quafi Again, When-he faith, Which maketh flrelurus,&c., his meaning petretraltbus is Which makes them appear, or'dotheir-oñce. Thefe flans were prundi a nais abfandita, Inc de when the heavens were. Made.; and f ribssdifcourfe. is.not a- ,