Oitap..p. An Expofstionupon the $ookof J O B. Verf. 9. 21'1 bout crcatibn,butprovidence.So that tomake Arlührus;&c. in the fenfe ofthis Text, is only this, to order the times of their riling and fetting, todiftinguith the feafons of the year, and to produce their feverall efec` s in every feafon, which providentiall acts are here efpecially aimed at. Thus he maketh Arliurta to rife, about the middle ofSeptember, which is the time of the Equinox, when the civil day andnight are even, and share the hours of the na- turall day equally between them. Or, as others account, this liar tiles about.elevendayes before the Equinox. So, by Areturus we mayunderfand"that feafonof theyear:And he maketh Arfiurus,is, he orders anddifpofeth of the fcafon, commonly called Autumn. Orion thines forth in our Hemifpbear, about themonth ofDecein- ber, and by that, winter is defigned. The Pleiades begin at the fpring,therefore called Vergilïe, becaufe they aride (vere) in the fpring, and difappear or go down toward winter. The chambers of theSouth, arefiery (tars, which have theirchief influence upon us in heat ofSummer. And fo we may put the Text into thefe plain exprettions, Ile maketbArc`urttt,Orion andPleiades, and the chambers ofthe South. That is, Ertl, He makes"and orders Slimmer, and¡Yinter,SSpeing and Har- veff,becaufe thcle (cars divide the four feafons of the year. Or, fecondly, thus, He makes bot and cold, wet and dry, florin and calm. Or, thirdly, as thefe four conftellations are aligned to the four chiefpöints of heaven. Arîfurus is known by all, who knowany thing in the heavens, to be feated about the NorthenPole, whoft. oppofìtes are thofe fears in the chambersofthe South. Orion dwels in theEaft, and the Pleiades in the Weft. So the plainEnglith of the words is this, that the Lord by his mighty, power and wifdorn ordereth and appointeth the motions of heaven,fromEaff to Weft, from North toSouth. Laftly, To. clear up' the fenfe of this Text, we mutt underhand thefe four.conitellations Synecdockically, thefe being put for all die rat; For as God orders thefe, fo every"fiat in thé firmament ; the leafs are under his, eye, and at his difpofe, as well as the greatelt. But becaufe thefe ale thé malt eminent, ufefull and efficacious in their appearances, mOtions and influences, therefore thefe are na- med. He make<.h Arcturus, Orion andPleiades, and the chambers of the South, . E e WC