Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

212 Chap. 9. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. erf. g. We may obferve from thc words thusopened divers profitable inftrudions. first, All tbeftars are placed in the Aeavens by tbefpeciáll defign- ment of Godfor the ufe andgood ofman. Mops (hut. 4. r9.) givesa caution to Ifrael from the Lord, that they should take heedof imitating theHeathens in their abo= ininations,and this is one particular, Left thou lift up thineeyes un- to heaven, andwhen thou feeft the Sxn,andthe-Moon, andtheftars, even all the host of heaven,fhouldefi be driven toworship them, which the Lord by Godbarb divideduntoall Nations under the whole hea- ven. Observe that, TheLord thy Godbath divided them unto all Nations under heaven ;Therefore take heed that thou donot wor- fhip them. They are thc workof God, they are, creatures; and worship, which is proper to the. Creator, mull not be given to them. It is a remarkable Text,.Left ( faith he.) :thou .fhouldeft be driven to worship tbem,How driven ? Not by .externali force and power,but driven by the strong inclination of thine heart, ravith- ed with filch beautifull objeffs.The excellency that/is in the works of God hath power to draw, yea to drive theheart of man to commit idolatry. fob (hews this, while he acquits himfelf fo in- duliriouily from it (Chap. 31. 26,27.) IfLbeheld the Sunwhen it fhined,or the Moon walking in brightnefs,andmy heart bath beenfe- ct etly en.ticed,or my mouth had kitedmy hand, this alfo were an ini- quity to bepunished by the Iudge, &c,Some tranflate that (Deut.4..) in this language of job, Left thou be deceived to worship theSun, Moon andStars, andhafts of heaven this;isvery conhderable tbut the thing I chiefly note in.that Scripture to the hand, is this, That the Lord hath made and appointed the liars to the fe- veral parts of the heavcns,he hath divided them toallNations un- der the whole heavens.Some liars are the portionofone people,o- Per bane divi_ thers of another.As the earth is an inheritance divided among the fionemintelligít children ofmen;foalto are the liars and heavens. We feldom con& ardineemet mo- der what riches we receive from that part ofour inheritance ;moll: loanploneta- rum, yui infra think they live by the earth only No, faith Mofes, TheLord bath arbifiur ita divided the heavens,the Sun,Moon andStars,unto all Nations una'er difponuntur,ut, heaven. He hath fettled it, what flar loch a Land (hall have,and in tualue re- what feafons, asalto what proportions of the Suri, and Moon, for oorum oaken lrght, heat and influence. He hath made them for the childrenof ínfluxibuas men.Man is fed and cloathed,warmed and cherished from heaven Find. more then from the earth : the lot and divisions whichwe have of