Verf. 9 Chap. 9. An Expofition upon the Book.of J O B. . 2 t 3 of the earthare naturally and ufually good or bad,rich or barren, pleafant or unpleafant, healthy or unwholfome, according as the afpef s of the heaven and liars, are more or lets benigne, or fa- vourable unto them. MoJés ( Deut. 29.26. ) reproves the ingrati- tude of the Jews by this argument, becaufé they went and Jerved other Gods,andworfhipped tbem,gods whom they knew not,and whom be hadnot given to them. So we translate. But the letter of the He- brewgives it thusswho hadnot given to them,er divided amongthem any portion. As if Mojis had faid, The Lord divided and gave the heavens and the (tars among you, and thole bafè dunghill-gods never gave you fo much as a clod of earth,and will ye depart from Jehovah to ferve them ? Secondly Obfcrve,God knon eth the number,the names and the na- ture ofall the_Oars. He gives them fpeciall names. Thefe in the tranflation are names of mans impo(ition. Yet the holy Ghoft ufes H_ eathenifh names in the new Teftament (Ali. 28. r a. ) we read of a Ship,in which Paul failed to Rome,whofe lign was Call-or and Pollux, two Pagan Sea- gods.. It is faid, that God brought all ;the beafts of the earth toAdam, that he fhould give them names s but he brought not the holt of heaven to Adam, that he fhould give them names, he named them himfèlf, PJal.a47. 4, Re telleth thenumber ofthe fiat's, he calletb them all by their names. Men are not able to tell the number of the fiats s they tell diltinEfly but to a thou' fand three hundred, or a fewmore, and they are not able to tell all thrfe by dittind names, but they are confirained to reckon them bycon. ftellations, where a whole family of liars are called by one name.: The Lord hath made it his fpeciall priviledge to tell the number of the ftars, and to call them all by their names. And thrfe are . named in the Text for all the refl. Obfer, e, Thirdly, !bane Bars are more excellent, of greater vertue and name then others ; when thole are named,it is for fpeciall reafon.. The Lord nameth there, as liars ofmore then ordinary dignity.. Thefeare in degree next to the Sun and Moon : when a feware named for many, we ufually name the chiefèft: as the whole peo- ple of the Jews are fet forth by the heads 'oftheir Tribes, by the Chiefs,; and when a Nation is fpoken;of it is by thole greater names, the Magif}rateand the M,iniJrers. ,Theft are named, becaufe: they have molt to do, and.the greateit bufìnefs in a Nation. _ So theft: flats are here named, bccaufe they are of fpeciall ufe and influence.