Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

214 Chap. 9. An Expofi tion upon the Bookof J qB. Verf. 9. influence. The Apofile gives us this clearly (t Cor.t5. 4t.)Tbere is one glory of the Sun another of the Moon, andanother glory of the Stars;for oneJtar differethfront another ftar inglory. One fiat hath a more honourable name then another. Some Liars God Both not vouchfafe to name particularly to us,when others,which arc ofgreater glory, are. As in a building, fome parts of it are cheif, Thefoundation, the top flow, the corner (tone; the firength and beauty ofthe whole building are comprehended under thefe. God bathmade differences and degrees in all creatures ; in the heavenly as well as earthly. The names ofmoft liars are conceal- ed, as being ofa lower degree. And we find that whenfoeverärr Scripturefats are fpoken ot; fcarce any are named but thefe, and thefèare often named,which implies their fuperiority anddignity. The prophet urges thisasanargument ofhumblelt addreffes unto and dependance.u.pon God. (Amos 5.8.) Seekbim that maketb the Jëvenffars,(that is, Pleiades )and Orion, and turneth the jhadowof death into the morning, &c. He doth not fay, Seek him that ma- kethall the flats, the Lordmade all. But becaufe he hath given fo much vertueand excellency to thefe, thefe only are reported as of his making. Here, Which maketh Arllurats s ( there ) Seek him whichmaketh thefevenoars; Asif he had laid, In thofe liars God bath laid out much ofhimfelf, and made his power and wifdome moll vifible:How much bath God in himfelf,whoohath communi- cated fo much to one fenflefs creature ? And though liars differ thus one from another, yet they envy not one another. Which leffons us Lobe content, thòugh God make our names leffe named in the world,then the names of many of Our brethren ; though he truft more talents to, or put more light into others, then into our felves. One fiar differs from' ano- ther fiar in glory, but no fiar envies anothers glory. Fourthly, Job being about to declare the power and wifdome of God, gives ;i'nftance (among other things ) in this, He maketh Aürfittrus,Orion,&c.Then obferve, Thepower and wifdome of Godfhine eminently in the "(tars. The power and 'wifdomeof God Nile 'in every graffe th ar grows out of thegrotan_d, yea in every clodof earth, much more then in the ffars,of heaven. MuchofGod is !Teen in thole :vv`orks' of God ; yea,fo much, that many have been drawn to make them gods. There is fo muchof God fèen in the heavens, that not only Heathens, who hadnot the true knowledge of God: but his Covenant-