Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. An. Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Vert: 8. Covenant- people, who knew him, and whom he knewabove all the Families of the earth, have been drawnaway to worship the boll of heaven. That place before cited ( Dent. q.. ) hinteth as much, Take heed, left when thou lifteft up thine eyes to. heaven, and feeft the Sun, and 'the. Moon, and the Stars, even all thehaft of hea- ven, thoufhouldeft be driven'toworfhip them andferve them. If thou lift up thine eyes to the liars, and not higher, even to God who made the liars,. thou wilt quickly .mittake the liars for God,or make the fears thrgod ; the heart ofman is mad upon Idolatry. Read how often the Jews_are taxedwith this fin, 2 Kings 2r. 3. and in 2,i Icings 17.16. and inAmos 5.16. which clears this truth, that much of the power and wifdomeof God is Ramped upon the liars , .ifGod did not much appear in the fiats, fo many had not -taken the liars for God,or given them, which is proper and pecu- liar to God, religious worthip. Thereare fiveor fix things wtrit$a fliew-the power of God and his wifdome in making of.the liars+ Firfl, The great nef . ofthe Stars Inch vatl bodies thew an infi- nite.iuiwer in there conflitution. It is incredible to ordinary r a- font %inlefs menCave skill :and learning tomake it out, and to lay the,comfe of nature together .)-that the flats are fo great.Thc Sun is reckoned byAkironotners robe one hundred fixty fix times bigger than all theeartla.The Moon indeed,which is called a great light,is thirty nine times'lefs then theearth, yet the magnitude is far beyond cornnaonapprehenfion. ,Some -other of the planets are almost an ¡hundred Links bigger then the - earth. And whereas the fixed liars are diliingaiithed into fix magnitudes, or differen- ces'of greatnefs ;.Thofeof the lirii magnitude ( which are ma- ny ) are conceived to be one hundred and leven times bigger then . the whole earth. We look upon a fiar, as if it were no bigger, then the blaze -of a:Candle, and the Country-than wonders it the Moon be bigger then his buthell,-or broader then his Cart-wheel, If the moil judicious enter the confideration of thefethings, they may loon-come toamazement, that fo many liars-in the hea- vens fhould be more then anhundred times bigger then all the earth.And if there are fuch vaft bodies in heaven, what a vatt bo- dy is heaven?That continent mutt needs be exceedingly exceeding vats, which contains fomany exceedingvafi;bodies in it,lfwe get but a nook or corner of the earth for our portion, we prefently thinkour Pelves great men:yetwhat isall theearth to the heavens? And; 2?5