Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. An Expof tion upon the BoolZof J pB. Verf. 9, And what are the heavens we fee to that heaven which is unfeeti, to which thefe are but a pavement ? The heavens which are to us a roof, are but a floor to the highefi heavens. A fecond thing which thews the mighty power and wifdom of God in the ftars, is the multitude of them, they are innumerable : Man cannot tell there ( only God can) they are like the fand of the tea for number. A multitude of little lands make a huge body , then how great a body doe a multitude of great bodies make ? Thirdl y,Tbefwiftnefr of motion,thattheefe mighty ,vafl bo- dies fhouldbe carried about every day, fo l.onga journey, and ne- ver tire or wear , {hews infinite power and wifdom. Fourthly, This is more admirable, theexaaorder of their mo- don. Thatinnumerable liars fhould move continually in the hea- vens,and yet not one of themmove out ofcourfe: this regularity of their motion is fetled by an ordinance of heaven ( Jer. 31.35.) where theLord, to allure his people that he would be fteady and fleadfaft in the waves ofhis love to them that he would net catt themoff,tels them that he would be as firm to them in his Cove- nant, as heis in the ordinances of heaven : Thusfaith the Lord, which giveth the Sunfor a light by day, and theor dinancer ofthe Moon ofthe Stars,for a light by night, &e. As ifhe had faid, I have made a ftatute and a degree which is irrepealablc and irre- vocable concerning the motion of the flars.Thcre is an ordinance ofheaven for it : fo that as the celeffiall bodyes cannot but conti- nue the courfe, I have afligned them for theenlightning of there - inferiour parts, while the world lifts So the Covenant which I have made with you (hall not fail togive you light.Thus he infers ni the next verfc,lfthefeordinances departfrom before me,faith the Logd,thenhall thefeedof , frael alt it ceafe f one -beinga Nation before mefor ever; but that cannot be, I have eflablithed their flars by a firm and, perpetual). decree ; therefore you are much more 4Jàblifhed. And fuck is the exaEtnefs of their order and morion, that the furs ofheaven are frequently in Scripture called an holt or an ar- my : Now an army, as it confìfts ofinany perlons ( which is one reafon why the bars are call an ho(i) fo an army rightly mar- thaljed°is cafi into an exact form, and fo regular for motion, that !t is one of the goodlicil tights in the world. Now the flays are 1ìe }loft of,heavcn, they fund ( as it_were ) in battalia,_ they keep