Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. g. AA Expofrtion upon the 13Ookoff 013. Veld. 9. the Hebrew is, He hadnot madebidfeet, that is, he had neglet:ed his body , now (faith jáb) the Lord ishethatsnakes,.dreifes, or trims up thole lamp ;of heaven : though theyliave a natural ver-. tue , yet that vertue is quickned by providence.- Providence is a continued Greatien. He maketh Arciurrut, Orionand Plei- ades. The liars are the Servants of God.,- they receive orders and dire- dions from him for.all they do. An the reams why the Lord did fo often call his-people'otf from gazing upon the(tars, and repro- ved liar-gazers, was, becaufc they looked no further than the gars , they thought the liars did a_ ll, they did not eye God that made Arfiteruu , Orion, dmc. but they onely eyed .Areeaarus, Therefore he threatens the liar-gazers and monethly prognoffica- tours, who took upon them ro rc.roive future events by the con- junrion of planets, and planetary a1peds; placing an uncontroi-- able power in the hands of the heavens, and ftars,whereas I (faith the Lord) make Ari!torus : I made him,and I make him to do what I command, not what you fore-tell. Therefore (IJa.44, 24,25.) the Prophet (peakingofGods work in making the heavens and the gars, prcfently adds,how he befools men,that will prophetic from. the ftars, as if they could tell infallibly what fhall come topats. I am the Lordtbat maketh all things, and firetchethforth the heavens alone, that f7re.zrleth abroad the earth, by myfell : what follows ? Vat frzaftrateth the tokens of the liars andmaketh Diviners mad. I firetchout the heavens : fome will needs prophetic out of the hea- vens, I have let the liars in the heavens, and they are for fìgns (Gen.5.54.) but I have not let them for Prophets: ifany prefume to declare or refolve what (hall be done, I refolve to punith their prefumption. I take delight to frufirate men, whodelight in this, and to befool them, who wouldbe thus wife. This is myname, the God thatJtretcheih out the Heavens alone,and that maketh divi-- aers mad. ,Great difappointments enrage and fome men lore their reafon, when they lofe the credit ofdoing things above rea- fon. hiecauCe they cannot be as God to fore-tell good or evil, they will not be fo much as men, He makes the Diviner mad. The Law was peremptory and leyere againft them. (Dent.i 8.g :)There. fhall not befounyamongyouany one that ttfeth divination, or is an cbferverof times ; why not anobferver of times ? may we not ob- frrve times and feafons ? May we not look up to the heavens, and confider their motions ? Yes, we may obferve times holily, but riot