Zto Chap.9. An Expoftion upon the BookofJ O B. Vert..:)* read future events in the book of thofe creatures. It is our dutyto look upon the heavens, as they declare the gloryof God ; but it.is a fn to look upon the heavens, as if they:could declare the . defti- uies, fates and fortunes ofmen. All which vanities, are largely and learnedly confuted by M. Perkins,inhis book.calied, The refolution ofthe Countrey-man about Prognoftication.r. Now, that the fuccefs of every. Creature is in God, not in the flan, we may fee ; firit, in the order of the creation ; God crea- ted the earth , and: commanded it to bring forth fruit upon the third day , but the lights in the firmament were made the fourth daÿ : The earth can bring forth without the midwifery or help of the heavens.. God himfelfmade the earth fruieul without, yea, before the liars were made. Upon which one of the A.ncie.xts Philo Judxus,gives this obfervation, Surely (fàithhe) the Lord inhis providence asepfsciornuu- made the earth fruitful in all itsglory, before heput_the(tars in the di,, h,eavens,to the intent to make men fee that thefruitfulnefs ofthe earth Both not ,depend Ion the heavens orliars ; God needs neither the rain,of the clouds, nor the warmthof the Sun to produce thefe ef- fets.. He that made all: fecond caufes to work in their ranks, can work without the intervenfion ofany fecond caufe. And becaufé the Lord fore-faw.tnen would dote much upon fecond eaufes,and venture to prognoflicate by the heavens the fates ofmen, and the fruiffulnefs ofthe earth, therefore he made the earth fruitfull be- fore7,e made Arc`lurus, or placed thofe conilellations in the hea- vens. Secondly, The providence of God works under the decree of God. providence is theexecution of bid decree. Therefore we nuil naf bring the decrees down to providence, but we mutt raife providence up,to the decrees. Thirdly, The heavens and thofe heavenly bodies,Artluruc, Vic, are but general caufes,there are fpecial caufes betides of the earths birrennefs or fruitfulnefs, oftempeffs at Sea and troubles at land and. the Lord is able to'invert all caufes, to workbeyond caufes, without caufes_ and.againil caufes So that nothing can be infalli- bly fore-told from the pofitions, conjun6ions or revolutions of thofe heavenly bodies. L,a.(lly, Obferve, That it is our duty to ftudy,the heavens; and be açquaintedwith theft-art. In them the wonderful works of God are feen, and a fober knowledge in naturemaybe an advantage unto grace. Holy Dá- vid