2,2 Chap. q. A Expoftionupon the Bookof J O'13. 'Vat i ö0 sign/at (the original fignifies both a meufuring line, and a written line.) dineam,nonno- Letters and words in writingbeing nothing but lines drawn into hoc fant, feveral forms or figures. Eut the Septuagint, whole tranflation hoc eft, funácu_ $ tuna, federica the Apoflle citeth, for (Kavam) their line, read (Bolas) their feriptam, het found ; either mif-reading the word, or fludioufly mollifying the oftfcetrturan. feule into a nearer compliance with the latter claufe of the verte. Yar.inKOn Io And their words into the ends ofthe world. Thus I have endeavoured to make thofe things plain,which are here reprerented (tovulgar ears) underflrange, unufual, and hid- den expre(lions. job is full ofPhilofophy and Aflronomy,he was a great fludent in the heavens, doubtlefs, and a holy fludent. ob having given there feveral infiances, gathers them all into a general conclufion in the tenth verse. Pro. =,-p ió Vcrfe r o. Which cloth great thingspalllfndingout, yea, andwonders without.member. There words are repeated from thedifcourfeofEliphaz, in the 5th Chap. v.9. Iwouldreek.,unto God, and unto God would I commit my caufe,which cloth great things andunfearchable,marvellous things without number. i will not flay in a particular difcuffion ofthem, but refer the Reader to the place before cited, where the text is o- pened at large, and particular obfervations given from it.Take on- ly this obfervation in general. That, a godly matt labours to exalt God, both inhis thoughts and in his words, with heart and tongue,whenGod deprefres and humbles him moff. Mark in what a conditionjobwas,whenhe fpeaks thus honoura- blyof the name and power of God. One would think,Jobhad lit- tle reafon to extoll the power of God, which he felt to his own (mart ; job was ftript of all he had, his outward comforts were taken from hiin,and the arrows ofthe Almighty woundedhis very fpirit. Now when he had wounded job thorow and thorow,tho- row flefh and thorow fpirit,even at this time, whenGod appeared, making no ufeofhis power but to undo yob, yob is in his Encomi- um,all in the.praifè and commendation ofGód.He endites a Chap ter on purpofe to Cet forth the power and wifdomof God, while he imployed both to make his aflliífions both great and accurate. This thews the admirableframe ofhis fpirit ; in all his diftempers his heart flood right, and he would fpeak good ofGod, what evil foever