Chap.8. An Expofition upón the Book of J O B. VcrÇi..- 21 eitherbefore him or againfi him ; we take the latter. Every fin is committed agai Jl God; that's the hill. Shine is moll oppotite to God. It is againft God iii his nature againtt God in his will : againtt God-in his very being. Sinwould thruft God out of the world,ifit were potlible ; and therefore it is right- ly tranfated , They have finned againfi him. No marvel if God do fo much againtt finners , when fin Both fo much againft him; but is it hot a miracle , that 'God tliouldi do any thing, efpeci ally filch great things for !inners , when finne Both fo ìnuch'a- gaina him ? David ( Pfal. 5 t.4.) faw his fin was fò much againft God, that he overlooks all others againft whom it vas, Against 7.1`1D,7 117 thee, thee only have' finned, anddone this evil in thy, fight which 1'íb1, ribs fometnif interpret, as if, because he was a King, he could do no injury to his fubjcéts, and therefore faith, Againfr thee, theeonly have Ifinned. But, They who i.ule men, may fin against man : and David limed in that aCt againft man;Firft,by doing private wrong. Secondly, by giving publickfcandal. The reason then why Da- vid.fpake thus, was becaufe the' tin he had committed was fo much againfi God, that though he had grievoully offended againft man, in taking away the lit': ofone fubje ¿t; the chatity of ano- ther, and by endangering the whole army to compafs a cover for his fin, yet, in this, his tin exceeded in tinfulnefs, that he finned againft God ; and therefdre he faith, Againfi thee, thee only ; or, take it comparatively, the fin is fo much againft thee, that what is againft any other is not worth the naming. God is not onlywrong- ed, beet he is chiefly wronged in every fin. As, becaufe in the wrong done to the life oretateofa fubjea, the King is .chiefly wronged, therefore all Inditements run in this ftile, Against thepeace of our SoveráignLord the King , his Crown and Dignity. L,atly , That place may be undertootd in the fecund fenfe of,, 4gainfl thee, that is, Before thee ; and fo it feerns to be expounded in the latter part, Againfi thee only have Ifinned, and-done thisevil in thyfight, that i3, though others took no notice of this, though it was done in fecret (2Sain.ra.12.) yet it was committed clearly and plainly before thine eyes; thineeyes, which are ten thoufand times brighter thew. the Sun , beheld me in the darknefs of that folly; and therefore againft thee have I finned, and done this evil in thy fight; asno- ting, that though it wereconceal'd and hidden- from men, yet it could not be conceald- and hidden from God. Ifthy children have finned againfi him, And