22 Chap. An Expofition upon the Book of J OB. Verfq. And he have cafe ,them awayfar their tranfgreffián. Bildads pofition is true in it felf , but falfe in the applicatioi, Jfthy children havefinned againft him. It is a truth that godly pa- rents may have wicked children. Grace Both not alwayes run in a bloud. But it was unevident unto Bildad that lobs children had finned againfl God in his fenfe. It is not the common limier whom Bildad meaneth; by finning againa God he intends not the incvi table ac`lings of finful nature, but the voluntary fiudied improve - rrients,hei,henings, and provocations of finful nature. Further, In that he concludes, They were caft away for their rranfgreffion : He faileth again. It is a truth, that fin is the meri- toriouscaufe ofpunifhment , Thy deffrublien isfrom thy Pelf, faith theLord, Hof.i 3.9. Thy way and thy doings have procured Chefe things unto thee, Jer.4. r 8. Sin will help us to forrow enough. Yet this is not a truth, that every man is afided for his fin. As no man knows the love or hatred of God : to no man knows the finne or holinefsofman by all that is before him : we cannot ar- gue every one is cafi away for his tranfgreflion , becaufe he is caft away. Ile bath caft them away for their tranfgreffion. ,1,2.rsitn, The Hebrew is very elegant,He bathfens them array in the hand of their tranfgreffion : or, He bathput them into the handoftheir tranfgreffion. M. Broughton tranflates it fo. As thy children have finnedagainfi him : fo he bathfeat them into the handoftheir tref- paffes. Into the hand,that is,into the power,as(Chap.5.20.)the hand of the Sword, is, the power of the Sword and (Pfal.63.1o.) Theyfhallfall by the Sw)rd ; the Hhbrew is , They (hall fall by the l2,andof the Sword. Then, He bath delivered them into the handof their tranfereffion, is,into the power of their tranfgreflìon. rit2zu There are two things confiderable about this expreflìon offend- ing or giving up into the handof tranfgrellìon. mittereaut e- 1. It may note That God had delivered up Jobs children unto jicerefign Y P cat, quafckm the raign or dominionof theirown finful hearts, or had laid the repo tramite raines in their necks, fuffering their lulls to hurry them whither aberreent ab. they would, to carry them captive unto every finne, and rufh them erranfi copier' head-long into every evil. Theword - ---here ufed, fìgnifies either pro libidine - liimply, to fend, or violently to call, or to put a thing away from us : and fo , it is as if Bildad had laid , For as much as thy