24 Chap.B. An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf,q,. Jacob, his ffatutes andjudgements unto Ifrael ; be hatbnot dealt fo' with any Nation, &c. So that this winking is opposed to favour, rather then tojustice. Tohave the eye upon a plaçe,or upon per- fons ,to thew them favour, IKin.8.29.The latter branch clears this__maning , But now he calleth all men every where to repent; how he dyth not leave men in the hands of their transgressions : he doth noi wink and let them do 'what they lift; now Gofpel- light is rifeñ to-the world, and there are many fent out to call in and reclaimwandring prodigals,many to cry, Keturn,Keturn. He fpeaks of it as of the mercy and priviledge ofthat age , beyond what the former ages had enjoyed. That of the. fame Apostle hath a parallel fenfe ÇKom. 1.2o. & 26.) where defcribin z the dealings of Godwith the Gentiles, who tinned against the 1i;ht of Nature, he concludes, Therefore Godleft them in thedaritnefs of Nature, in the worst ofnature : they camenot up fohigh, as theprinciples ofnature might have led them in the worship of God , therefore he leff them below the principles ofnature in the things of man, Hegave them up to vile affeíions,which is as much as to fay, Heput them in the hands of their tranfgre f ons. And verf.28. He gave them over to a reprobate mind, to a mind that could not judge aright, which had not a true understanding of any thing : Hence they des ed the wortl,and reprobated the belt things.The like we have (Pfal. 8 r . I r .) ofGods own people the Jews , So Jgave them up unto their own hearts lufts,and treywalked to their own c.ounfels.The Hebrew is, Ifent them into thepertinacy of their hearts , becaufe I had fo 'often called upon them, and they would not hearken, nor return unto me, therefore I-faid , forafmuch as you will not hear, you thatl not hear; becaufe you will not obey,you shall have none' to call you toobedience ; follow the counfels ofyour own hearts, as long as you will. This is thefirfffenfe , of putting or fending them into the hand oftheir tranfgreffion, feil. a leaving them to the raign oftheir lusts. Espulitea: Secondly, (Which is the fenfe our translation holdsout) Thou arundo prayer haft left them, orlent them into the hand of their tranfgre f on;; That právártcar. is pap. Thou haft left them in thofe evils,which tranfgretliotis did de- new. PermiJ,t ei ferve and call for. Our reading carries that meaning, He bath calf pervcnire,quod them awayfor their tranjgrefìon : Others thus, Hebath thrall them felus corium out ofthe worldfor their tranfgrefon, He bathfuffered that to befall P °jlul°bat them which their, tranfgrefon calledfor.. According to thefe, the Tygur. fenfe is , Thy childrenfinned againjt him; andbe bath let :bolt evt s mhicb