26 Chap. 8. AnExjrofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 4. and it isas fearful a thing to fall into the hand of deadly fins, or dead works: How dreadful a thing is it to be under the power and tyranny of our own hearts. The Committing of finis ,worf then the enduring of trouble.TheLcid loth not only punifhmen according to their fins. but he makes their tin their punifhmcnt, yea,their fins are their punifhers.He puts them into the hand of fin, as into the hands ofa tormentor. A Heathen could threaten ekifcsn a wicked man, thus, His mannersfhaall be his revenge. Holinefs car- eum móves f si, Ciceroad at. ries its reward with ir, and though no creature will recompenle ieun. the good we do, Yet doing good is a recompenfc. In keeping the Commandments of God, there is an exceeding great reward, Pfal.19. a i. The ad of keeping,them is á reward, as well as the iffue. Agood, wor ,is pay enough the worker.: So'.alío is an evil work, Prov. I. 32..2he turnbog.owáy of tb,e frmplefkall_,foy him. A limpie child, that. will not be ruled, coim,felleàoz_ ordered. (fwch Solomon [peaks of,. TePimple o es, horn long willye lone, fonp.'ieity ? That is, your own foolish, vain .wayes.) T he turning away offuch simple ones from the counfeI ofthe wire, In ill flay,them. The way of fin is death, as well ás-the,end or wages of its. A,r fei h the Proverb of the Ancients ( they are the words of a3 Merl cf..),uc,erning Saul, r Sam. a i4, J TYeckedeárfs prac:eedethfròm-the wicked bac minehandfhall not be sspon him. D_rvidknew that Saul was a man: fi) wicked, that he needed noother revenger hat his own (î:1f, his own fin would bring mifery enough upon: "him : therefoge; faith he,TTriebednejs proceeded, from:th.e. wie . l,that is,,the pimaMent-of: wickedncfs proceedcth .from the wickedi rnan timid(. Obferve the occalienof thofe words,.it was wherafoi?ke, about David ad vifèd him to flay Saul,not I,faith he,ny handfA1 not be upon him, I (snow he is a man fo given up to fin, fo eníflaved:to his own vile affections, that there's enough upon him. already, and in a ihort time more will be upon :hita, I i. kednçfrproceedet-hfrom the wvick- edy but mine hand fhäll net be upon him ; :I will leave :him to the- handof his fin, which is his plague already, and which in a little: time will attach him, and dome right, thoughhe never would. When God took up a refolution againft his own people, that he mould not hear or be intreated, and protefted his mind couldnot be towards--them;he faith.(Je.r. Let hem.goforthfetch.a.r. are for thefraord to the fwnord;andfuele as arefor thefamine,to thefamine;- and filchas arefor the ceeptivisy,to the captivity. This was a dread ful fentence ; but for God to fay to -a people, Let them go forth in the