Chap. 8. An Expofition upon-the Bookof J O B. Verf. 5. indeed, feels it fclf at a lofs for fomewhat, that Goal only can beflow. In God all that we want is to be found, and therctbre he invites us to Peek him. In this life the Saints are a generation of feekexs : In,the next,they shall be a generation Ofenjoyers ; when God is fully found, there's nothing more to be fought Having him, we have all., The work of Heaven is to blefs& God for what we have found, not to fèek him for what wewant,. Secondly, God muff befought unto without delay. As it is with vows, fo with prayers, defer nn ao pay them ; defer not to pray, Ifa. 55.6. seek him rvhileft he may befund.. Mat. 6:33. Seekfirff the Kingdom of God ; fidein time i not only chiefliz,but early,put not God behind in the latter part ofthe clay, or in the latter end-of your búfinefles. It is bell to begin with him Who isbell. Thirdly, God muff befought unto with diligence. Wemúfl lay our flrength and fpirits ii t in fèeking God. It is not a sleight enquirywhich finds out eAd. We read that he is found ofCome who Peek him not at all,but that he is found ofany who leekhim negligentiy, we read not. Free-grace prevents thole who have no ability to leek him, but it meets not thof who will not lay out their abilities in feeking him. Ifthou wouldefffeekun, to God betimes, Andmake thyfùpplication to the Almighty. The wordwhich we translate fu liçation is very Ma k é tby pp ) Úerbunr fignificant ofthe manner how we thould leek unto GOd, namely,, ran rua¡,r tt . bottoming our felves upon free-grace alone. A thought ofour commtferario- own worth is incontinent with a fapplication ; call upon the AL nem, qu.efine mightyforpity, faith M. Broughton. When we fupplicate, wede- "11°,7rit°.rm fire that to bedone for us, for which there is no reafon in us why peaurtma. it lhould be done. To make fttpplication, is to leek help or releif freely or gratis;acknowledging there is nothing in us worthy of love.That adverb ufed in the firf , & repeated in the fecond Chap- ter,where the devil objeç}s,D'othjobferve G.odfor nought, that is, without refpeít ofgood pay for his pains from God, that adverb (I fay) comes from this verb. As we ought to ferve God (in this fenfe) for nought, and not like mercenaries for our hire : So God helps us for nought, without looking to any thing in us, or from a as an hire of his ,help:The Bipii} had his name(,folan)frorn this wordy,