42 Chap. S. AnExpofation upon the Book of j O B. Verf. 6. . day nor night,you tot make mentionof the Lord,keep notfaience, and trine him no re)t,till he eft.ablifh and till he make Jerufalem a praife in ¡he earth. Ifthe Lord fhould carry it in the prefent anfwers of '.s providcrces, as it lae were willing to refs, and defìrednot to be troubled in this bufìuc1 ; be not you fo put off: but with a holy boldnefs anti confidence come to him and awaken him : take no anfwer, till ye have an anfwer. He is belt pleafed and mof at cafe, when (in prayer) we give him norefl. Laflÿ, Obferve, IfGod do but awake for its, all is prefently well with us. If the eye ofGod be upon us for good,that brings us in all good: therefore (Zech. z. ult.) when the Church was inher return from Babylon, the Prophet concludes with an exultation of fpirit, Be filent, 0 all flefh, before the Lord, for he is railed upout ofhis holy habitation ; it is this word, be ír awaked out of his holy habi- tation,now befigent, 0 all fleJh before the Lord : All flefh, ye that are the wicked of the world, ye that are enemies , be ye filent, leave your boafting, your reproachingand blafphemiug, for the Lord is awaked, now he begins to fir for hispeople, he will flop your mouths fhortly : Allfiefh, takes in the Church and people/of God too, O beyefilent,in regard ofyour fears and doubtings,mur- murings anddiitraded complainings, filence all thefe, why ? The Lord is awaked, he is railedup out of hid holy habitation; that is, he that feemed before to confine himfelf to thofehigher regions ; and as the Atheift (peaks in job, to walk in the circle of the Heavens, not intermedling with the earth : This God is now awaked, he is railed out ofhis holy habitation, and now ye (hall know that he orders all things here below :therefore be filent,O all fleth. When Chrift was afeep (Mat. 8. 25.) A greivous tempeft arofe (faith. the text) isfomuch as the Ship was covered with waves. When forms and tempefts are upon the Church, God is then afleep, though even then he direas the forms,andgives law to theproud waves. But what did the Difciples in this forme? They awoke Chrift; lave us, Weperifh; and as loon as everChrift was a- wakened, He rebuked theftorm, and there was agreat calm. Thus when we are toff up and down with contrary windes and indan- ger to be fplit and funk, if Gog once awake, all is calm. How quietl) may they fleepfor whomGodwakes!I do not fay they fhould fleep carclefly, but confidently they may. God doth not wake for us, to the intent we fhould fleep in fecurity ; but we may fleep quietly, when he fhewes hitnfelf awake for us, who ik4