ig Chap. 8. An E epofition upon the Bookof O B. erf.ó. The habitation ofrighteoufnefs. fi n,'htt °- That is, the habitation where righteoufnefs doth flouriflt or ggitatenr (se wherein thou liveft righteoufly. jußaiarn redo- But what is righteoufnefs ? téaratbono Righteoufnefs is a very comprehenfive word. The Philofopher juflè acquijita tells us, it takes in all other vertues whatfoever, It it not apart of PGerc. JYuaaQVi'rrrx vertue , but all vertue. in ttp34 apf_ When righteoufnefs isfet as diftinf from holinefs and piety, ,rs,a0,4 "a>:n then; it is reftrained toour dealings with men. Righteoufnefr re- àp.1ñ,Arifl. later to men, andholinefs to God, Luk; i. 75. Tit. 2. 12. Gofpel- iahic 1.5. (.1. grace,teaches us to livefoberly, in oppofition to the intemperance of our bodies : righteoufly, in oppofition to wrong inour ations; godly, in oppofition to all impiety and prophanenets of Our minds. But righteoufnefshere takes in our whole duty, whether to God or man, The habitationofthy righteoufnefs ; that is,the place where thou exercifeft all manner ofholy and righteous duties to- wardGod and toward man. Righteoufnefs toward man, hrft, in dittributive juftice, givingevery one his due in judgement, as thou art a Magiftrate i Secondly, Righteoufnefs towards man incom- mutativejuftice,giving every one his due incommerce,as thou art a neighbour. The habitation ofthy righteoufnefs. It is an ellegant expreffion. The Church is fometimes.called fo, Jer.3 r. 23. Thusfaith the LordGodof hogs, theGod of Ifrael, as yet theyfhall ufe thisfpeech in the landofJudah, and in the Cities thereof, when Ifhall bring again their captivity. TheLord biefs thee Ohabitation ofrighteoufnefs, and mountain of holinefs.This fpeech they (hall ufe : It Teems it hadbeen an ordinary falutation thus to befpeak Judah, O thou habitation of juffice or righteoufhefr, and mountain of holinefs. Every particularmember of the Church is named,A treeofrighteoufnefs, Ifa. 61. 3.TbeyAA/ be called trees of rkhtcoxfaefs,theplantation oftbeLord.Each Saint is a treeofrigh teoufhefs, and all ofthem togetherare an habitation, á plantation ofrighteoufnefs. Godhi nfelfis (tiled, The habitation ofrighteoufnefr,becaufe he M a way ofhi ghe(t excellency,or in the mot( fuperlative degree) s the feat of ríghteoufnefs ; all righteoufnefs is (as 'it were) hound,