Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. to. An Expoftion upon the Book of J B. Verf. rra 5x g-r Anatomitl elegantly teacheth us in the Preface to his firth book. Fourthly, The dimenfiorrs, proportions and poileofmans bo,. dy are fo exa and due, that they are made the model of all flrucîures and artificials. Cailles, Houfes, Ships, yea the Ark of Noah was framed after the meafure and plot ofmans body. In him is found a circular figure, and a perfeCiY quadrat, yea the true quadrature of a circle, whole imaginary lines have fo much. troubled the Mathematicians of `many ages. Fifthly, In every part ufefulnefs and commodioufnefs,come= linefs and convenience meet together. What beauty is ilampt up- on the face,? What Majefty in the eye ? What flrength is put in- to the armes ? What activity into the hands? What mufickand melody in the tongue ?? Nothing in this whole fabrique could be well left out or better placed, either for ornatrient, or for ufe. Some men make great houles which have many fpare rooms, or rooms feldom ukd , but as in this houle there is not any one room wanting, fo every room is of centinu. al ufe. Was ever clay Al honouxed, thus fathioned ? Galen gave Epicurus an hundred years to imagine a more commodious fcitu- ation, configuration or compofition of any onepart of the Jody And furely if all the Angels in heaven had fiudied to this day, they could not have call man into a more curious mould, or have given a fairer and more correâ edition of him. This clay cannot him thatfafhioneth it,Wbat male thou? Or thú work, be bath no hands, (Ifa. 45. 9.) The Lord hathmade man fo well, that man cannot tell which way to be made betters This work cannot fay, He that wrought me had no hands, that is, I am ill wrought. As to fay, you have no eyes, you have no ears, are re- proofs ofnegligence and inadvertency,both inhearing andPeeing. So when we fay to a man, Surelyyou have no hands, our mean- ing is, he bath done his work, either flo-athfully or unskilfully. But this work of mans body (hall not need to fay unto God, he bath no hands, he bath given proof enough, that hands and head toowere imployed about this work. Let us make it ap- pear that we have hands and tongues, andhearts for him, that we have skin and flefh, bones and tinews for him, that we have 1lrength, and health, and life,and all for him ; feeing all thefe are altoderived-from him, &s appears in the next words, Thou half grossedme lifeaxd favour. ób